13. Foul Winds

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The next three days felt like torture to Imogen. Whereas she tried her best to avoid Charlie, he seemed to be doing the exact opposite; he bumped into Imogen far more than usual, sought her company and made physical contact so often it raised both Bill and Tonks' suspicions. 

"Are you two okay?" Tonks mumbled to her the day before their departure, as they were preparing for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's anniversary celebration: "You haven't even looked at him for the past three days." 

"No", Imogen breathed; she couldn't keep it to herself any longer: "He doesn't know what he wants and it's killing me." 

"What d'you mean? He's not having second thoughts about leaving, is he?" 

"No, it's not that..." Imogen sighed and built up her courage: "Promise me you'll keep your mouth shut... We kissed." She noticed Tonks's smirk and rushed to add: "Only once! Well, okay, it wasn't the first time, to be honest – but then he said he didn't mean it and now he's been all over me ever since! How am I supposed to react?" 

"Do you like him?" Tonks asked eagerly. 

"Gosh, so much", Imogen huffed: "But I can't do anything about it! He clearly doesn't feel the same way at all." 

Tonks was over the moon at her confession. "Imogen! I knew it, why haven't you said anything?" she gushed: "And you know what he's like with this kind of stuff... I'm positive he likes you, and has for a while." 

"Yeah? Then why's he been dating Nelly?" Imogen bit her lip, trying to brush it off: "It's fine, it would make the whole trip weird anyway. I better just forget about it, right? Let's just get back to decorating." 

"I know where you're coming from, but you can't just forget about your feelings, idiot!" Tonks grinned: "This is so exciting!" 

But to Imogen it was torment. Over the past few months she had actually acknowledged that she was, in fact, crushing on Charlie Weasley. But if he didn't feel the same, Imogen wouldn't push it. Besides, she had more important things to focus on right now: the dragon saving mission. With Charlie. 

Imogen felt someone walk by and nudge her, and saw a flash of red. 

"Piss off", she mumbled to Charlie. 

"Woah, alright there." 

Imogen turned around and slammed her hand over her mouth: "I'm so sorry, Bill. I thought you were Charlie." 

The boy grinned, then immediately knitted his brows: "What's he done?" 

"Nothing – it's really nothing, I'd rather not talk about it." 

Bill raised his eyebrows at Tonks, who held back a smile and shook her head. Imogen turned her back to them to go through a box of party decorations, but saw the look they exchanged through the reflection in the window. 


The following day, some of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's closest friends came to visit, as well as some relatives. Imogen sat next to Charlie at the dinner table and tried her best not to look at him; instead, she focused on the conversation going on between Mrs. Weasley and her friends. 

Charlie gently tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention, and she tried hard not to roll her eyes at him; every single one of his acts made her blood boil. She couldn't quite wrap her head around the feeling, but he definitely irritated her. 

"Can we talk?" the boy mumbled so that no one else heard: "Imogen? Stop ignoring me." 

"What's there to talk about?" she whispered, annoyed: "Can't we just enjoy dinner and spend time with your family before leaving?" 

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