Tails' Tale

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Third Person's POV

We start in a road path near some trees where Sonic, Brody and Tails are asleep at a campsite. They awaken when the shadows of both a plane and two conjoined Egg-O-Matic hovercrafts loom over them. Sonic and Brody look up and sees Scratch and Grounder driving the conjoined Egg-O-Matics, then ducks as the plane flies directly over them "Yikes!" Sonic and Brody said as Tails stands up, yawns, stretches, and rubs his right eye with his right fist. The two conjoined Egg-O-Matics fly directly over him "What was that!" Tails said as Grounder is revealed to be driving the two conjoined Egg-O-Matics and firing a laser at the plane, while Scratch is sitting in the passenger seat. Brody sees this and points his right thumb up at them.

"Dogfight!" Brody said as Scratch, Grounder, and the plane fly past each other

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"Dogfight!" Brody said as Scratch, Grounder, and the plane fly past each other. A view of the crosshair of the two conjoined Egg-O-Matics is shown as Grounder fires the laser at the plane, then at Scratch. Scratch screams as he ducks his head into his body just in time as Grounder fires the laser at him. He pokes his right eye out, then his entire head. Grounder chuckles nervously "Sorry!" Grounder said as he turns counter-clockwise and fires the laser at the plane. He and Scratch chase after it, and they begin to fly towards the ground "Pilot to gunner! When you shoot, you're supposed to hit something!" Scratch said and Grounder fires the laser, but the beam from it hits the cannon, destroying it. Grounder gasps as the cannon is destroyed, emitting fire and smoke "Uh, gunner to pilot! I just did!" Grounder said and Scratch groans in exasperation "Okay. I guess that means we're supposed to try the sleeping gas bomb!" Scratch said as Grounder flies the two conjoined Egg-O-Matics higher before they hit the ground "Whoa!" Scratch and Grounder said and Grounder's head opens, and a crosshair emerges from it. It aims over his right eye, and he stops the two conjoined Egg-O-Matics just above the plane "Bombardier to pilot! Target in range! Bomb away!" Grounder said as he drops the sleeping gas bomb and the sleeping gas bomb hits the plane, emitting a cloud of yellow sleeping gas. A Red Bird flies past the plane, and a question mark and and exclamation point emit from him. The Red Bird flies into the cloud of yellow sleeping gas, and falls asleep, falling from the sky. Sonic, Brody and Tails look up at him, and Sonic catches him in both his hands "Thought I recognized that yellow gunk! It's sleeping gas!" Brody said as the cloud of yellow sleeping gas clears, revealing Captain Willian Le Due, its pilot, to be asleep and snoring. His plane flies towards the ground, and Tails points his right index finger up to it "And that pilot's asleep at the stick!" Tails said as Sonic and Brody look up at the plane and gasps. William continues to sleep and snore "You gotta help him, little bro!" Sonic and Brody said as they look over at Tails, who gears up to fly, and flies into the air "Rev it up, Tails! Rev it up!" Tails said. As William continues sleeping and snoring. Tails lands in the passenger seat and grunts. He pulls on the steering stick with both his hands and grunts. Sonic and Brody gasps and Sonic covers his face with both his hands, which still have the Red Bird, who squawks, in them. As William's plane gets closer to the ground, Tails grunts as he pulls on the steering stick again. As William's plane gets even closer to the ground, Tails screams. William's plane turns higher just in time, and the propeller slices through a tree. Tails sighs with relief as William's plane lands safely near Sonic and Brody. Sonic,  Brody and the Red Bird look up at the plane "Phew! That was close!" Tails said and William awakens "Sacre bleu! What am I doing on the ground?" William asks and climbs out of his plane, and screams as he falls. His parachute opens a little too late. William pulls his goggles up with his right hand, then stands up and dusts himself off with the same hand. Tails grabs the side of William's plane with his right hand and pokes his head out. William then blows the dust off his left hand and looks up at Tails "Aha! A passengair! Do you wish Capitan William Le Duck's special five-Mobium sight-seeing ride? Or the ten-Mobium round-trip special?" William asks "Wow!" Tails said and jumps out of William's plane and lands near William. He points his left index finger at him "Are you really William Le Duck? The famous pilot? The soldier of fortune? The fearless archeologist?" Tails asks "You forget, also ze toast of duck society, and uh, who are you, mon ami?" William asks and Tails points his left index finger at himself "I'm Miles Prower, but my friends call me "Tails"!" Tails said as William walks up to him. He grabs Tails' right tail with his left hand and his right tail with his left hand "I think I know ze reason!" William said and Tails pushes his tails way with both his hands "And speaking of friends, I want you to meet my best buds!" Tails said and walks away from William, but he doesn't see Sonic and Brody "Sonic! Brody! Hey Sonic and Brody!" Tails said as William walks up to Tails, and Tails turns to face him "I don't get it! Where did they go?" Tails asks and the Red Bird whistles as he runs up to Tails and William. He points his right wing down at the ground "Ze little bird is trying to tell us something!" William said and ducks down to the Red Bird. He then holds up his left index finger "Hmmm. I must conclude that your friends did not, uh... go! They were... taken!" William said "What?" Tails asks and William grabs Tails' nose with his left thumb and index finger, and pulls them down to the ground "Look! Here in ze dirt!" William said and points his left index finger at the dirt "Ze signs of a fierce struggle!" William said and the Red Bird walks up to Tails and William and whistes at them. It points his left wing at the ground and its right wing at the air " I think he is saying zey went in that direction!" William said and points his left index finger at the sky "I've gotta go after them, Capitan Le Duck! I've gotta find them! Will you help!" Tails said "Will it be dangerous? Will zere be great risk, evil villians, notorious bad guys? Will my life be at stake?" William asks "Could be!" Tails said "Zen I will do it!" William said and jumps into the passenger seat of his plane, and Tails jumps into the pilot's seat.

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