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Us, we were together;
We laughed and sung in the dew and rain;
We danced under the stars,
Made paper crowns out of lullabies;
We cried, cried over the world that built up our sorrows;
We ate cereal like little kids
And watched old cartoons;
We fought and hugged,
Our love used to be so strong;
We built a kingdom of little things,
Little things like the memories;
I never wanted it to end,
It didn't end




Of course, it did.

Now we are no longer,
My world is no more.
It was time, I guess.
Because we all know,
That things that give us hope usually decay into rot.
Your smiles were my anchor,
Your life was my support,
Your life was mine,
And mine was yours.
But not anymore,
Because you left.

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