Chapter 41

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All the girls and guys are getting along really really well
Caroline: so it's a all girls talk and we all know there's something going on with Layla and Damon
You giggle
The girls: oooooo
They all turn to look at you
Cynthia: they probably just besties
Dixie: so do you like him
You: a little but I'm still kinda of mad at him
Charli: like proper mad or
You: yea I got over the cheating last night I'm mad he slapped me
You groan
Bonnie: yeah why did he do that
You: no clue
Madi: Cynthia and I have got to run
You: cya soon ly both
You all hug them and they quickly leave
Avani: it's kinda weird how Cynthia kinda seemed jealous
Caroline: right
Dixie: she seemed so jealous and madi looked a bit upset
Charli: maybe we are just overthinking
Bonnie: maybe
Caroline: eeee Layla look
You and the girls all huddle around Caroline
You: oooo damn
Caroline: ok but you would totally bang that
You: obvi
Damon: bang what
Your eyes widen
You quickly snatch the phone and turn to him
You: heyyyyyyy so how are you
Damon: bang what
You: I banged my head in the table
The girls laugh
Damon: Layla
You: I'm being serious
Damon: ok then
He leaves
You: ok you guys are totally-
Anthony: totally what
You turn and he's with Damon and the boys
You: totally the bestest friends I could ever ask for
You slowly get up and start moving backwards with Dixie and Caroline
Anthony: and bang what
You: that wasn't my words FYI
Anthony: bang what
You: I banged my head in the table
Anthony looks at you
Anthony: run
You: wait just to clarify am I allowed out the building
Caroline: she's a really fast runner
Bonnie: like proper fast 
Anthony: I can get her
You start running around and your really fast so it's not hard for you and Anthony catches up with you and grabs you
You start giggling and he chuckles a little a carrys you like a baby back to the group
Jaden: so bang what
You: I told you I banged my head on the table
Bonnie: yea exactly
You mumble: I don't see the point
Caroline: RIGHT
Director: WHAT
Caroline: LAYLA SA-
You slap her arm lightly as Anthony puts you down then you and Caroline and Bonnie walk away
Caroline says a inside joke you and Bonnie burst out laughing
Both: WHAT
He drags your arms and speaks to you
Director: I can fuck you both whenever I want
You: your a very funny guy
Bonnie: we can leave and never come back it will be the end
You: and you won't get any views or hype
Director: fine behave
He lets go of you both
Bonnie whispers: what the fuck is wrong with him
You whisper: ikr
You both walk up to Caroline
Caroline: sooo
Bonnie: he said he would fuck us
She gasps
You: maybe I should tell ant
Both: you should
You: or maybe Damon and Stefan
They gasp and nod
You go up to Stefan and Damon and tell them everything
You: then he said he would fuck us both
They get mad and walk up to him screaming you do to tell Anthony
You: and now he's being rude
You watch Anthony stomp of to the director and Bonnie and Caroline come to you and the girls
Charli: he really said that
You nod
Dixie: with no hesitation
You nod
Avani: wtf would he do that
Jaden: we kinda wanna know aswell
Bonnie: the director said he would fuck me and Layla a-
They storm off to him
You: welp
Avani: funny that Jaden wanted to know first person
You: brother from another mother
You shrug your shoulders and watch all the boys come to you and Bonnie 
Caroline: sooo
Jaden: yea um we spoke to him and he said he won't do it again and that's it
Bonnie: that simple huh
You: yea I would expect a full on argument from what I heard
You look at Anthony he walks up to you and you both walk away and he tells you everything
You: thanks ant
Anthony: np
You: you know what's weird
Anthony: what
You: we were talking today as a girls talk and we spoke about one boy and Cynthia kinda got jealous and defensive
Anthony: if it was about quin-
You: it was about Damon and I
Anthony: why did she get like that
You: right maybe she's jealous
You shrug your shoulders
Anthony: but what's up with you and Damon
You get nervous
You: Nothing absolutely nothing
You mess with your fingers a little and bite your nails
Anthony: sure
You: mhm
Anthony: ok then but if anything happens let me know
You nod and you both walk back your kinda tensed up bc of the question he asked but you act normal
Dixie: Layla
You: now
You both walk away and you explain everything
You: I just got nervy
Dixie: maybe you like him
You: I like someone else
You blush
Caroline: who's that
You turn and see the girls behind you
You: the singer of our group
Dixie: Jaden?
You nod
Caroline: him?
You: ok I know I'm not the type of girls to crush on someone but he's cute
Bonnie: that's why your kinda avoiding him
You nod
You: but I'll try less too and anyway it's not a big deal let's talk about you Avani
Avani: what about me
You: you and Anthony aka my brother what's up with you two
Avani: he actually asked me on a date
You: and he didn't think to tell me ugh I'm killing him
Avani: he asked me on a date and it went pretty well
You: andddd
Avani: that's it he's really cute
You: ew but aww
Avani: and he has a funny side
You: that bit is true
You all laugh
Caroline: time to go back to the stupid show
You and Bonnie groan but get up
Avani: good luck
Dixie: and if he pisses you off
Charli: come right to us
You Caroline and Bonnie nod then head to the main centre where Damon and Stefan are already
Director: Layla you need to put on more weight your far to skinny
You nod but you feel like your about to cry
Director: Layla and Damon you need to fake collaps into his arms
You and Damon keep on re doing it till the director likes it and it puts you both under so muxh stress
You: Damo-
You actually faint from the stress and Damon looks at the directors they nod
Damon mouths: her breath is going weak
Director mouths: continue.
Bonnie: she isn't ok sir
Caroline: Layla
Anthony: hey sorry to disturb but I don't think she's acting
Director: KEEP GOING
Damon: her breath is coming back up her heart is beating really fast
Caroline: sir this isn't acting
Her and Bonnie run over to you and Damon and they put you in there laps
Damon: I'm not experienced
Caroline: what sucks is Layla would know what to do
Anthony: and so do I
He walks over to you and sits on his knees next to you
Anthony: everyone say your favourite memory with her I'll go first I love when me and you just vibe as sibling and I loved that time when my crush thought you were my girlfriend and we had to explain
Caroline: I love the time when me and you where I'm the car just vibing and when you took care of me when Matt hurt me
Bonnie: I love the time when we were at the bar with Caroline and got drunk and everyone wanted to fuck us
Damon: I love the time when you helped me escape my mum
Stefan: I love the time when we were running away from Damon bc he was angry that I ate his pizza
Damon chuckles and everyone let's out a little laugh
Josh: the time you brought me stuff and I didn't have to ask
Bryce: the time we got mad at eachother and attacked each other you ruined my hair and I attacked you
Dixie: when we went shopping to help me get over griffin
Charli: when we went skinny dipping
Avani: when we bought prom dresses together and you changed into a shirt and trousers bc you hated the dress
Everyone looks at Jaden
Jaden: DONT get mad at me for saying this Anthony and Damon and Stefan but I loved when you kissed me to shut me up and when we wrote our song and sang it in the studio
You start moving a little  and slowly your eyes start opening
You: why are you all sitting around me
Caroline: jumps on you and hugs you
You giggle
You: hey I was just with you a minute ago
Bonnie: no you fainted
She jumps into you and hugs you next
You: sorry about that
Damon: and when did you and him kiss
You: he has a name and it's none of your business
Damon: I'm asking a question
You: I gave you a answer
You sit up
Damon: and I don't like that answer
Jaden: Dont you think your a bit controlling
Caroline: Jaden you honestly shouldn't get involved
Damon: Layla give me a good answer
You: it doesn't concern you you weren't even here when it happened leave my person life alone if your barely even in it
You quickly turn and face Anthony
You mouth: I fucked up
Anthony smiles
Damon: after we finish filming this season I am leaving and I'm never coming back
You mouth to Anthony: thank god
Anthony chuckles
Anthony: I don't really think she wants you here anyway
Damon: let her decide
You: 1 her has a name
2 I agree with ant
3 have fun fucking a hoe 
Your phone rings
You get up and walk away to answer
You: hey
Anna: yessir
You: I missed you I haven't seen you in forever
Anna: I heard about you and Damon
You: we just got in another argument
Anna: iconic
You: that's rude
Anna: just saying and anyway I'm in town bc of tvd and I'm omw rn
You: I'm so excited to see you I haven't seen you in for like ever
Damon: Layla
You scream
You: what the fuck is wrong with you Damon.
Anna: fuck him that dickhead
Damon: what is it with you and that stupid Jaden boy
You: there's nothing going on
Damon: it doesn't seem like nothing
You: well it's nothing leave me alone
Damon: if it's nothing then you can tell me everything
He grabs your wrist and grabs tight
You groan
Anna: Layla are you ok
You: mhm
Kinda wincing
He lets go to your wrist and it's purple
You shout: I seriously have no clue why your so fucking jealous if you could just leave like you done before life would be easy and so much better what I do dosent concern you and technically you cheated I wasn't dating you when I kissed him so you have no right to shout at me you don't own me Damon find another girl to toy around with and to use and piss off but im not the right girl for that, maybe if you really think about it and stop attacking everyone for something you did maybe it would be better and if you didn't act like it was fine/normal when you cheated we would have broken up on good terms but you hid it from me Damon  you didn't tell me Dixie found out and told me and I'm so thankful for that because our relationship was so damn toxic I should have listened to everyone I should have chose Stefan
You walk away and end the phone call because you see Anna and you walk in the studio with Anna
Anna: he thinks he can owe you like that
You: right it's pissing me the fuck off
Anna: and I think everyone heard you screaming at him 
You: I think but let's not bring it up
You walk back to the group with Anna
You: everyone meet Anna, Anna meet Anthony Jaden josh Bryce Dixie Charli and Avani you already know Caroline and Bonnie
Anna greets everyone
You: so why are you all acting so stiff
Anna: I think you know the answer
Stefan: you should have chose me
Jaden walks away
Stefan: I think-
You: you idiot now I have to walk and he walks fast
Everyone laughs
You catch up with Jaden
You: hey why did you walk off
Jaden: just need some fresh air
You: don't lie to me
Jaden: maybe I'm a little upset when he said you should have chose him
You: jae it was just a really good line
Jaden: but you have no feelings for him
You: none
Jaden: good
He turns around and you turn around and walk back to the group but a step away you whisper
You: I should have chose you Jaden
You finish that step and get back to the group he is shocked
Josh: so fixed everything
Jaden: ye-yea
Bryce: are you good bro
Jaden: mhm
Anthony looks at you
You: I didn't do anything literally
Jaden: she actually said something nice and shocked me
The girls drag you away
You: thank you Jaden for getting me dragged away
You give a sarcastic smile
You: I don't like Stefan it was just a good line I told Jaden that I should  have chose him
The girls freak out and at that same time the boys do aswell
You: fuck I'm so gonna get questioned
Dixie: maybe you should have he seems like he really likes you
You nod and blush a little

Jaden or Damon ;Jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now