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i'm back at the buttercup field.

with him.


he told me to meet up here.

i didn't question it.

i was generally excited to see him.

well still am.

"well what is it?" i questioned.

he gasped, "what am i not allowed to ask my girlfriend to meet up without being questioned?" he said with a dramatic tone, placing his hand on his heart, "i thought that would be normalised by now!"

the only word i got out of that was girlfriend.

"girlfriend?" i looked at him in the eye, my cheeks getting even more red every second.


"you never asked me to be your girlfriend,"

he let his hand fall from his heart and stared at me for a few seconds.

"well i was going to ask you to be my girlfriend today but i decided not to since why bother if your going to say yes anyway,"

my lips parted and i then quickly folded my hands and gave him a bored look, trying to suppress the happiness inside me.

"who said i was going to say yes,"

"well i mean who'd say no," he stroked along his face.

i raised my eyebrows before saying, "me....bye,"

i then turned around and started to walk away, trying to stop myself from laughing as he stood there shocked.

once i was at a short distance i turned around and sure enough he was still there.

i then turned around fully and started to run towards him.

he looked scared thinking i was going to hit him or something and tried to protect his head.

once i was close enough and jumped and hugged him.

i gave him the tightest hug i could and said , "you idiot of course it's a yes,"

he lifted and held my legs up to his hips so i was practically hugging his neck and he gave me the widest smile making me even more happier.

i've never been so happy.

he makes me so happy.

buttercup // yuta ffWhere stories live. Discover now