Zoldyck Family 5

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Everyone became deathly silent and serious. Looking at Milluki, Kikyo nodded.

I sat back on Illumi's lap and waited.

"He will...change into something with a masklike face and black eyes once you complete three of his demands. Once that happens, you can be granted one wish. Then he will turn back to normal.

But, if you do not complete four of his demands, then you will die."

I stayed silent, thinking about what I was just told. I had a bunch of questions. But I just asked my main one.

"So there are rules? How many?"

"We know of five rules.

One. When someone fails to fulfill Alluka's requests and gets killed, the difficulty level of Alluka's requests returns to level one. This is the best time to make a wish.

Two. If Alluka is making requests from a particular person they cannot be moved over to another person mid-way. Therefore if that particular person disappears, such as concealing themselves, Alluka is unable to make requests to anybody else.

Three. If the person fulfilling requests dies mid-way it will count as a failure and at least one more person will die.

Four. Alluka cannot make requests of someone without knowing their name.

Five. The same person cannot ask Alluka for consecutive wishes."

Milluki finishes the rules, and waits for me to think.

I stayed silent for a few minutes, thinking about these rules.

"Anything else about her powers I should know?" I asked carefully.

"How does he choose who to kill, past the person making the wish?"

I swing my legs, waiting for an answer from Milluki.

"When it is two lives to be taken, it's the person and the person they loved most. If its any more, it's the people you've spent the most time with in order."

I paused for another second before asking another question.

"You mentioned levels earlier. What do you mean?" I adjusted myself on Illumi, smoothing out my dress.

"There are levels of difficulty depending on what the last wish was granted. If someone wished for something big, like millions of dollars, the next requests will be more severe. Level one questions would be like if he asked for a piggyback ride or a handshake. Worse ones would be him requesting you give him a literal arm or leg. Maybe an eye."

I smiled. "What was the last wish granted?" I asked smiling slightly.

Milluki shrunk a little while Silvia and Kikyo glared at him.

"I......asked for the newest computer." He told me guiltily.

I giggled. "Is that considered a big or small wish?" I asked, tilting my head, grinning.

"Medium I would think... Why?"

I slid off Illumi's lap, onto my feet and let out a little bloodlust.

"I want to meet him."


I know this is a short one but it has a big twist! 

I wanted to give you guys something for thanksgiving. 

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

I Love You All!!!!! 

Happy Reading!!!! 😊😊😊

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