. t w e l v e .

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(A/N: surprise! lol you're gonna hate me for this...)

and just like that, taeyong never saw jaehyun again. it's like jaehyun never went into his life and ruined it in the process. like a bubble, he was just gone. taeyong didn't know what to do. he was slowly losing his mind. he had no single idea what was happening. all his friends were worried about him. he didn't eat, he was letting his systems fail and his body was close to breaking down.

taeyong was miserable for the next week after that. until the month after that, and another month after that. there was no trace of jaehyun everywhere. not a single information about the man. like he was abducted and murdered before being thrown to the sea.

taeyong wished for all the gods to not let that happen. he didn't care if he can't see him anymore, but he certainly hoped he was okay at the least.

taeyong felt nothing but rage. the moment he opened the door next to his, it was all empty. like no one ever moved in to the flat next to his. it was all clean and he was even caught by the staff of the apartment building that he was trespassing. there's no trespassing if there's no one living in there, and besides, the door was unlocked.

he asked everywhere. he asked his own manager in the club only to be answered with "he just didn't come to work one day." he also asked the manager of the cafe he's been working for and said the same. he then asked the manager of the apartment building he's living in and was answered by "he pulled out everything in the middle of the night." he just can't find him anymore.

right when i was already catching feelings. he thought. everything just seemed to happen so fast. he met jaehyun, had sex, and suddenly he's gone. as his feelings were too. no normal person, and he meant no one, would ever catch feelings that quick for someone he just had sex with. he just so happens to be one of those people who felt love at first sex.

no denying, jaehyun's features were to die for. anyone would fall for him right on the spot. but taeyong felt an extraordinary spark that was no near to just having a crush. it was all so different for the both of them.

in a month or so, he was back to his job--stripping for the men. he waited tables on the regular days like he did as always. he was back to his boring life.

now it's been about 6 months and still no sign of jaehyun. the spirit of christmas was already evident from the atmosphere around him. christmas was just around the corner and what he only wished was for jaehyun to be back.

in a span of 6 months, everything was a rollercoaster ride. for the man, it was a series of ups and downs and he doesn't know how long until he can get off that ride. he was stuck on that one seat and he couldn't get up for himself.

when he met the woman, he didn't know who she was. he had no idea this is how he'll end up. it was way different from how he imagined himself he'd turn up.

he was given two different numbers on the same day. wonder how weird that was. as it turns out, he just needed to make the right phone call. he just needed to choose which one was real and which one wasn't. all he needed was to pick one from the two.

he chose the one that was left for him in the cafe. sure, cafes are not suspicious, who would raise a suspicion from seeing you in a cafe. anyone could and leave a number for you. but so was a club.

a club where tons of hot people would come gushing over a regular bartender that just so happens to be that gorgeous.

at first, he thought it was one of those people who leave numbers so they could hook up, but when it was explained to him that it was different from those people, he read the message and figured it had to be an important one.

𝙢𝙤𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙤𝙧 | jaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now