💚 Episode 8: Let's tour to Yumegahama! 💚

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Mirai: Hello, everyone! Mirai here!
Ichika: I'm Ichika!
Yuni: I'm Yuni!
Kirara: I'm Kirara!
Setsuna: I'm Setsuna!
Komachi: I'm Komachi!
Iona: I'm Iona!
The Harmonic Team: We are the Harmonic Team!
Kirara: Today is surely a big day.
Komachi: Yes, it is, Kirara.
Kirara: As the member of the Harmonic Team, we must all in harmony.
Mirai: That's right! If you wanna see Riko's team, the name is Angelic Team.
Komachi: I don't understand why it was renamed from "Magical Team" to "Angelic Team".
Mirai and Kirara: Same.

Scene 1

*One day in Ichika's house (in Ichigozaka)*
The Harmonic Team: We are one! Harmonic Team!
Glasan: I can't believe that you guys are all united!
Setsuna: So do I, Glasan.
Mirai: I'm happy that we get to bond for the first time as a group.
Kirara: Yes! I was happy that my groupmates are now 6 instead of 3.
Iona: Same here.
Pekorin: Well, I suppose we all have to cooperate ~peko.
Yuni: Of course we do! We're the Harmonic Team! We have to be in harmony. Well, Komachi named the group.
Komachi: You said it, Yuni.
Prunce: What now ~prunce?
Setsuna: I think we have to go to the mall or something?
Ichika: What if...
Pekorin: What is it ~peko?
Ichika: We will go to the grocery store and make some sweets!
*Mirai, Yuni, Kirara, Setsuna, Komachi, and Iona get startled*
Kirara: If we make sweets, what dessert shall we make?
Mirai: Yeah. And where shall we cook?
Ichika: Let's see...Maybe here!
Komachi: Or maybe in my family's confectionery shop.
Iona: Wait. Do you have a shop?
Komachi: Yes!
Ichika: Let's settle then because we will go to Komachi's shop!
*Satomi (Usami) makes a scene*
Satomi: *To the Harmonic Team* Is everything okay here?
*Prunce, Glasan, Pekorin, and Mofurun 1 pose as a stuffed toy*
Kirara: Yes, Aunt Satomi. We're fine here.
Satomi: Are you sure?
Ichika: We're super fine. Is it alright if we go to the mall today?
Satomi: Sure. Why not? I have to check on the dining room. Wait. *leaves*
Yuni: *To Mirai, Ichika, Kirara, Setsuna, Komachi, and Iona* It looks like Miss Satomi let us go somewhere to hang out.
Setsuna: Yes. Besides, we're all grown ups, so...
Iona: We still have to ask permission from our parents and elders.
Mofurun 1: You have a point there.
Mirai: So, shall we do our plan?
Ichika, Yuni, Kirara, Setsuna, Komachi, and Iona: Yes!

Scene 2

*10 minutes later in the Bus Terminal (in Ichigozaka)*
Kirara: Are we going to Mihoshi Town or what?
Iona: I wanted to go somewhere else.
Yuni: Same here. We already went there last time although I miss that place.
Setsuna: That makes sense then since you're gone from Earth for a long time.
Mirai: Either way, we can still go there if you want to.
Yuni: Like I said, it is best if we go somewhere else, like maybe Pikarigaoka or Yumegahama.
Ichika: Whip, step, jump! *jumps* I wanna go to Yumegahama!
Mirai: Same here!
Komachi: *giggles* As expected from Ichika.
Iona: Well, I don't get about the "Whip, step, jump" thing. She and Hime (Shirayuki) are no different.
Kirara: What makes you say that, Iona?
Iona: Nothing.
Komachi: What shall we do in Yumegahama by the way?
Setsuna: We'll go there to see the malls and beaches I think?
Ichika: Really?!
Glasan: Actually, I haven't been there to Yumegahama before.
Prunce: Same here ~prunce.
Ichika: No worries. We'll go there! *To Mirai, Yuni, Kirara, Setsuna, Komachi, and Iona* Right, girls?!
Mirai, Yuni, Kirara, Setsuna, Komachi, and Iona: Right!
Pekorin: I can't wait to see that place ~peko.
Kirara: Well, I can navigate you there. I will also bring you to my old school.
Mirai: Is it Noble Academy?
Kirara: Yes!
Iona: I think I've been there before. I don't really remember.
Komachi: I wanna see that place. Yumegahama is surely a nice place.
Kirara: Yep! You said it right, Komachi!
Pekorin: Can I stay here behind ~peko?
Ichika: Why?
Pekorin: Because I have to go to Ichigoyama to visit my family ~peko. Sorry if I can't come with you all. I hope you don't mind ~peko.
Ichika: Uh, sure, Pekorin. Please come back here in the evening.
Pekorin: Yahoo! Thank you, Ichika!

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