💚 Episode 9: Ichika does new things?! 💚

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Mirai: Hello, everyone! Mirai here!
Ichika: I'm Ichika!
Yuni: I'm Yuni!
Kirara: I'm Kirara!
Setsuna: I'm Setsuna!
Komachi: I'm Komachi!
Iona: I'm Iona!
The Harmonic Team: We are the Harmonic Team!
Iona: I think we have to be serious in being a Precure.
Setsuna: But of course, we must have a funny memories!
Ichika: Yes! *hugs Setsuna and Iona* I just really hope that none of us engage a fight or something.
Yuni: I hope Iona and Kirara didn't fight so much.
Ichika: I hope so, too.
Setsuna: Yeah. That would be called the "Unharmonic Team", then.
*Ichika and Yuni laugh*

Scene 1

*One day in the bus station (in Yotsuba)*
*Ichika holds Pekorin*
Ichika: *To Setsuna* It's kinda nice if we all work together to make sweets.
Setsuna: It is. Actually.
Ichika: How's your school earlier by the way?
Setsuna: It's great. Just stressful about my lessons.
Ichika: I realized that today is now 5:30 PM. We really need to go home.
Pekorin: I'm happy that Ichika made a lot of new... Neeeeew friends whose interests have nothing to do with sweets ~peko.
Ichika: You said it, Pekorin. Wait! Are you talking about my Harmonic Team friends?
Pekorin: Yes! By the way, it would be nice though if you do things that aren't related to sweets at all ~peko.
Ichika: Like what?
Setsuna: What if you try dancing, or singing, or even drawing?
Ichika: Aw. I don't have any talent of those. My only talent is making sweets.
Pekorin: Right. Sorry, but what's the use if you didn't try, right ~peko? Maybe you can try Kirara's hobby, Iona's, or even Komachi's ~peko?
Setsuna: Um, Pekorin, forcing Ichika didn't help though.
Pekorin: I do not force her, Setsuna. I just-
*Miyuki (Chinen) makes a scene*
Miyuki: *To Setsuna* Hi, Setsuna! Long time no see!
*Pekorin quickly pretend to be a stuffed toy*
Setsuna: Uh, hi!
Miyuki: *sees Ichika* And who is that girl with you, huh?!
Setsuna: Oh! She's my new friend,  Ichika! I lived with her recently at her house.
Miyuki: Cool! I suppose you want to spend your time away from Love (Momozono), do you?
Setsuna: I... think so?
Ichika: *while shaking Miyuki's hands* It's nice to meet you! I'm Ichika Usami! It's a pleasure to make an acquaintance!
Miyuki: I'm Miyuki Chinen. I used to taught Setsuna and her three other friends for their dance performance.
Ichika: Woah! *accidentally throws Pekorin*
Pekorin: *while being flung* Pekoooo!  *crashes into the bus*
*Setsuna runs into Pekorin*
Ichika: *To Miyuki* Mind if you teach me how to dance, or... Do some other performances?
Miyuki: Uh, yeah. I always teach several people who has a passion for performing. Okay! What performance do you want me to teach? I can insert you in the mall show.
Ichika: Uh?

Scene 2

*The next day in the park (in Komachi's hometown)*
Setsuna: *To Mirai, Yuni, Kirara, Komachi, and Iona* It's good that you all guys are here.
Iona: What is it all about?
Setsuna: My former teacher, Miyuki Chinen, will teach Ichika how to dance for the talent show.
Mirai, Yuni, Kirara, Komachi, and Iona: Huh?!
Mirai: Ichika will dance? Unbelievable!
Kirara: Yeah. She will probably wants to do other things aside from making sweets.
Iona: That was nice then.
Glasan: Ichika has just a good determination to do other things.
Ichika: This is not the first time I stepped on stage. I was once been used as a prop for Himari's (Arisugawa) reporting on TV.
Yuni: But this is the first time you perform dancing. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Ichika: Yeah.
Mirai: This is so exciting!
Komachi: Whatever it is, Ichika, we'll support you!
Ichika: Thank you very much! I don't really know what to say.
Mofurun 1: What song will you dance?
Ichika: Uh, I don't know.
Setsuna: Let me pick the sound for you.
Ichika: Are you sure?
Setsuna: Yeah, I do.
Ichika: Yes! *hugs Setsuna* Thank you very much, Setsuna!
Setsuna: You're welcome!
*Ichika let Setsuna go*
Iona: Ichika, you should do a warm-up before dancing. I guess you forgot how, don't you?
Ichika: Well, I seldom do things aside from cooking, so probably I forgot.
Kirara: We are happy because you decided to do things you never did before.
Yuni: What did you do aside from cooking?
Ichika: Uh... Writing Stories, Playing Sports, and Singing!
Mofurun 1: Wow! You can sing?
Glasan: It would be amazing if you do!
Komachi: Yes! People like us can do anything as long as we strive.
Ichika: You're right there, Komachi!
Kirara: That's what I learned after I became an idol. Aside from modeling, I can act, sing, and dance. I even design clothes because I'm a fashionista.
Ichika: If that's the case, can you help me find the right clothes for me?!
Kirara: O-Okay, if you insist.
Setsuna: *To Glasan* Just look at Ichika. She's so determined.
Glasan: You said it.
*Miyuki (Chinen) arrives*
*Glasan and Mofurun 1 pretend to be a stuff toy*
Miyuki: *To the Harmonic Team* Hi, girls!
The Harmonic Team: Hi!
Ichika: Are you going to teach me now?
Miyuki: If you want to, but remember, you have a to practice until Wednesday. Do you have a music now?
Ichika: Um...
Setsuna: Yes, I do. I'll give you the song.
Miyuki: How nice. You have to give it to me immediately!

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