Chapter 6

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Michonne has been a friend of mine and Maggie's for a couple of years. She lives in Atlanta but is in town for a couple of days. She had an interview for a position at the local museum yesterday and has been telling us all about it at dinner. If all goes well, she will be moving here by the end of the month. We are all praying she gets it. I have missed her and it would be nice to have her back.

We met up for dinner and are currently at the bar having drinks. "Glenn just texted him and the guys will be here in a few."

"Good I can't wait to meet him." Michonne says.

"The guys?" I ask Maggie.

"Yeah, he, Daryl and their other friend, Rick. They have been hanging out today and are gonna meet us here."

"Daryl's coming?" I am nervous but excited at the thought of seeing him tonight.

Michonne quirks her eyebrow at me, then looks to Maggie. "Who's Daryl?"

"He's the friend that Glenn is staying with while his apartment gets fixed. He and Bethy here have become fast friends."

"Oh, girl do tell." Michonne says to me.

"There's nothing to tell." I say simply. "We're just friends."

"Friends who have been on multiple dates." Maggie adds.

"They were not dates!" I say defensively. "We just hang out sometimes."

"Oh please." Maggie argues and turns back to Michonne. "Glenn came home last night to find them all snuggled up on the couch fast asleep."

"We were watching a movie." I try to keep my face expressionless as my mind drifts to last night...

We did eventually fall asleep. I remember being half awake half asleep, hearing Daryl talk to Glenn when he came in. It was all muffled from still being asleep, so I couldn't make out what they are saying. Next thing I remember is feeling Daryl's hand on my cheek. He was rubbing it slightly. I was still pretty out of it, not wanting to wake up yet. "Beth, baby wake up. We fell asleep." His voice was all husky from sleep. I try to open my eyes as I hear him talk again. "Beth." He whispered. I start to stir some more and register his words. Did he call me baby before? I must have imagined it. I open my eyes and look up at him. We are still sitting but instead of my head being on his shoulder it's now on his chest along with one of my hands. I notice he's leaning back more and got one arm around me and the other is still rubbing my cheek. His eyes are so blue, like the ocean. I could get lost in them easily. He's looking down at me. He looks sleepy. I smile and notice his eyes flick to my lips. I look at his and back up at his eyes again. This is it, I think. He's going to kiss me. I have imagined it so many times over the past couple of weeks and now it is happening. I close my eyes and then suddenly feel him pull away from me. We untangle ourselves from each other and I am wide awake now, disappointed. What was that? He offers for me to stay saying I could take his bed and he would take the couch. I decline saying I should head home. He walks me to my car, says good bye and that's that.

"Then why are you blushing?" Michonne asks.

Before I can respond, the guys walk up. Everyone is introduced and we all hang out in a semicircular booth, talking, drinking, and laughing. Maggie and Glenn are in the middle. I sit between Glenn and Daryl and Michonne is next to Maggie with Rick on her other side. I have heard Glenn and Daryl speak about Rick before, but this is the first time I am meeting him. He doesn't get out much being a single dad. His wife of ten years passed away giving birth to their second child a year ago. He's a handsome man. He and Michonne have been eyeing each other all night when the other isn't looking. Glenn and Maggie are their typical overly affectionate selves. Add alcohol to the mix and the PDA is off the charts. Daryl has been Daryl. Not speaking much, but he's been sticking close to me giving me small touches here and there that make me have butterflies. Every now and then, we all get out of the booth to drink or to dance. Daryl surprises me and dances with me occasionally.

At one point, us girls get up and go to the bathroom. I get out the same time Michonne does and we go to the bar to get another drink. "So, what's the deal with you two really?" She asks me as she gets her drink.

"Honestly, I have no clue." I admit. "We hang out, flirt, and talk all the time. There are times I am sure that he is into me too, but then he never really makes any real, clear moves. Like last night. Perfect example." I launch into the story telling her everything. The joke, the snuggling, the almost kiss. "I cannot figure him out."

"Well, from where I'm standing, that man is wrapped around your finger. Maybe he doesn't make a move because he's unclear how you feel?" She suggests.

I consider this. "Maybe."

"Just talk to him. Ask him how he feels, then you will at least know one way or another."

I nod knowing she is right. I should just woman up and talk to him. I decide I will talk to him tonight. But first I need some liquid courage.

A couple of hours later, everyone decides to call it a night. I hug Michonne and tell Rick it's nice to meet him. When they leave, Maggie turns to me "Glenn and I are headed back to our place." As he takes her hand pulling her towards the car, she winks and whisper shouts to me "Egg plant! Egg plant!"

I giggle feeling a little buzzed and Daryl just shakes his head knowing good and well what the code word means. "Well it looks like it's just me and you. Want to come hang at my place for a bit?"

I agree and next thing I know we are back at his place. I walk into the apartment and trip over the rug in the living room. Daryl catches me before I fall. My arms are around his neck and I realize we are really close again. "You good?"

"Yup. I'm dandy." I right myself a little keeping my arms around his neck. "You're just being friendly, aren't you?" I blurt out.

He looks down at me confused as I release my arms from around his neck. "What?"

I plop on the couch. "You just see me as a friend, don't you?"

He sits next to me looking like I have grown an extra head. "How much have you had to drink?"

"Daryl, I'm buzzed, not drunk. It's okay if you do. We can still be friends. I just want to know." I reassure him.

"Girl, how are you confused... we've been on like four dates." He says.

"I didn't know if they were dates or not." I counter.

His face is very serious, and he studies me. "Well damn, I am worse at this than I thought. I've been trying to play it cool, but apparently I've been playing it too cool if you seriously don't know how I feel about you." I shrug at him. "Let me clear this up here and now, Beth I'm crazy about you. I thought after last night, you knew that."

As elated as I am to hear that, he has to know what I was thinking. "I mean I thought you liked me, but you were joking about the whole Tink girlfriend thing, so I wasn't sure. Then last night I thought you were going to kiss me and you didn't." I say in my defense.

"Did it ever occur to you, I might be nervous to kiss you?" He looks at me with a look of desperation on his face.

No, actually, it didn't occur to me. He always seems so confident and fearless. I smile and lean into him slightly. I say seductively. "Ain't no reason to be nervous. I won't bite."

He leans into to me and puts his hands on my face. He puts his lips to mine. The kiss is slow and hesitant at first. I open my mouth and he quickly accepts the invitation to deepen the kiss. His tongue moves perfectly with mine causing me to sigh. We break apart and he rests his forehead against mine. "What're you doing tomorrow night?"

"Nothin. Why?" I smile.

"Because I would like to take you, my girlfriend, on a proper, official date."

"Well then, my boyfriend, pick me up at eight."

"Deal." He says pulling me in for another kiss.

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