chapter 3 mates?

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(no ones pov)

The aliens who had found you had been worried, they had never seen someone fall asleep unconventionally. where all them come from, to fall asleep you had to inhale the poison of a special mushroom. so how did you do it without it?

you didn't intentionally do this, but you had been freezing from exhaustion and the cold of the forest, so you ended up scooting closer to the alien who was holding you. this excited him of course, seeing your tiny body trying to get closer to him made him feel a sense of contentment. but on the other hand, all the others in the group were slowly and slowly wanting to kill their friend, even more, considering he was holding their mate. They didn't want to risk waking you up and scaring you more though, so they let it pass for the moment.

bringing you back to the planet leaders was hard for most of them, thinking they wouldn't get t see you again. 


-----time skip-----

at the meeting center

(no ones pov)

placing you down in the bed, with watchful eyes the planet leaders made sure you weren't harmed in any way.  as they watched you curl up in a fetal position, wrapping your arms around your legs and making yourself look smaller.

"She's quite small, isn't she?" one of the planet leaders spoke, breaking the silence between the 23 others watching the small girl. his name was averon. he was an axane (ax- aine), creatures who looked like humans but with completely white eyes. they could control the minds of weaker creatures. although he did try, he wasn't able to get into your mind, of course, he wouldn't control you.

"yes, do we have any idea how old she is? our daisy looks quite youthful." another one of the planet leaders said, she was a vex, and her name was chevron. her kind could sense auras, so she could tell how someone was feeling. But again, after she tried, she couldn't find her way to see how you felt.

"you, you people got to see her up close, what did she look like to you?" one of the elders said, and pointed towards the group who had brought you in. they froze under the gaze of one of the most respected people in the universe, before realizing the question and answering immediately.

"oh, um she wasn't like any creature we've ever seen and, um her body is really small and so are her... places, so that's either due to underdevelopment or just being small in general." the woman answered, it was natural to want to see your mate like... that, but she didn't want to offend them. your whole family had been really tiny in the females, but super large in the males, and you had pretty much known this was as far as you would get in the scale of body proportions.

"ooohhh so you've seen her? I'm guessing she didn't consent to this, nothing can be done now but next time let's get her approval before touching. Anyway she smells mature, so I am pretty sure her small build is due to genetics."  one of the elders said, pretty much glaring at the group for the first part. he was known to be calm and collected among the leaders, but this more.. well, sensitive topic was making him livid on the inside. Of course, there was nothing more to discuss, so all the leaders and civilians found something to do until you woke up. all that was left to do was wait. 


-----time skip-----

you have woken up. 

(no ones pov)

You woke up with a groan and stretched out on the soft bed. you had remembered the weird dream you had last night, you were sucked into a giant hole and then were caught by some weird aliens that called you "mate" or something... haha. but before you got up you realized that this wasn't your bed at all, in fact, this wasn't even your house! As all the thought s and memories came back to you in ways more than a dream, you started to freak out ad whimper again.

"where am I, oh my gosh there going to kill me!" you realized that you were making assumptions at this point, but in your state of panic, it would be considered acceptable. what you hadn't known was that there were at most 10 people watching you panic and freak out, behind the glass were 10 watchful pairs of eyes. trying to calm you down with the, well um... comforting glances? either way, it was not working. 2 of the elders decided to go and calm you down, also going to explain to you what you were to them. Considering your panic, it was clear you had no idea why you were here. 

walking into the mirrored room the 2 elders set their eyes on your small frame, standing at 4'9 they looked like giants to you. the man and women both sat down next to you and started attempts at soothing your nerves. you went from being freaked out and buzzed, to being extremely calm in a matter of minutes. this confused you because you went even trying to calm down, your brother couldn't even calm you down himself. so how was it so easy for these people?

"honey, I know you are probably tired and scared daisy, but can you please listen to us for a moment?" the woman said, stroking your hair and attempting to hug you. this caused you to pop up out of whatever trance you had been in, and jump out of the huge bed.

"ok, I know I'm not dreaming, but this is kinda freaking me out and I don't know what's happening but everyone is being nice to me, and can someone please explain what's going on?" you hammered on, speaking in a fast voice. 

"yes yes daisy, we can explain but please sit down." the male out of the two said, you were getting more and more freaked out by the strange appearance of these people, both looked similar, they both looked like a human but just with blue-green skin. it was disorienting. and why were they calling you daisy, you were y/n not daisy? you had sat down between the two and they had wrapped their arms around you in a hug, to be honest, it was comforting but your mind was still running on about why they were being so nice to you.

" We should get headfirst into it then, you are the child kissed by the stars if you hadn't known. legend says the child kissed by the stars will be transported into our universe, arcane. it also says you will be every creature in this universe's mate, this was proven correct when you came here. what we do need to know is how old you are and what your name is sweetheart, okay? can you tell us that?" she asked, throughout her small speech your face was scrunching up more and more, and now you looked like a tiny rabbit. they found this adorable but it was clear you were confused so they couldn't express it.

"u-uhm I'm 15 um and my name is y/n, uhhhh, so what am I to you again?" you weren't sure you had heard right, you of all people were the chosen one? that's weird, just totally insane. if you were being honest you had never been completely interested In the whole arcane religion, but you sure wished you were so you could know more about this whole "mates" thing?

"you are our mate, and even if you don't love us back, we love you... okay, sweetheart?" he said, and looked at you with a soft expression, urging you to answer. 

"uhhhhhh, mates?"


ok so basically it is completely normal for all of these aliens to be like millions of years old, so they were kinda shocked when they found out you were 15... that's kinda what a toddler would be for them. also when i say elders hey don't look like old people, they are just much much older than the rest, along with being much wiser. i was procastinating writing this so much over the past few days. :p. there are literally no humans in arcane, none at all, so they have no idea how you live and stuff.

also i think in the next few days i will be creating a character list, and it will be a lot of people. ok last thing the planet leaders are just a name that i had created and it is kinda boring so at some point it might change, they basically rule large parts of the universe and only ever meet together when big things happen. 


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