First impressions: 🌸☁️

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I opened my laptop and decided to search up Wattpad, planning on making a logbook on the creature known as "Shimeji Ochako"

"I should probably get to writing" As I was creating the title, Ochako multiplied, there are now three on my computer.

Just as I finished writing that down, something happened, suddenly everything I was writing was in the hands of one of the Ochako's, but that one left, now there are two left, these creatures are mysterious, how the single-mindedly manage to carry a whole text box away, however, this strength is dangerous- and it multiplied again. This is going to be a long journey, isn't it?

The third one isn't causing trouble just yet, however now one of them took my recommended stories, I was planning on reading some fanfiction later but maybe not. They seem to hate the ground, as I currently have two on the ceiling and one climbing up there. Suddenly they all started changing directions with one walking on the ground. I fear that their trying to escape the computer's restraints. However, it's a possibility that they're just doing it out of boredom.  They all seem to be hanging out with a pet or just sitting, two seem to be sitting down on break while there's one rambunctious fellow. As I typing one of them started moving as well climbing slowly to the ceiling before- HOLY CRAP. One of the Ochako's took a leap of faith and jumped across my screen, luckily one of them is remaining calm, for now, how long that one will remain peaceful, well who knows.

The third one's off of a break, just walking on the floor ignoring its duplicates as one of them takes out a pet. Seems like the third one is finally on a break as the other two crawls around. Seeing as how these are on day one I would be frightful when I move to Bakugo or Hawks.

They seem to enjoy just going around the corners of my screen, they luckily don't need much I consider this first impression a success

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