"Louis, did you take out the garbage?" I looked at him from my place, tucked into the corner of the couch. Louis had one headphone over his ear and was staring at his computer screen.
"What do you think about this for the melody?" he asked instead. He tugged the end of the headphones out of the computer and pressed play.
"You're the habit that I can't break, you're the feeling I can't put down. You're the shiver that I can't shake, you're the habit that I can't break. You're the high that I need right now... you're the habit that I can't break."
"You know I love Habit," I said. "I helped you write it, and it sounds good with the music underneath it."
"But is it good enough?" Louis asked. "Actually be honest, is this good enough to release?"
"Yes," I said. "Lou, honey, you can't keep second guessing yourself. It drops in a few weeks. Until then-" I paused to pull the laptop out of his lap and set it on the coffee table, "-you need to relax."
"How are you going to tell me to relax when you hyper focused on your first album so bad that you stopped eating and got admitted to the hospital?"
"Low blow! I was literally 16 and I wasn't doing too hot anyways," I scoffed. "you should learn from my mistake and take a break. You know, maybe take out the garbage?"
"It all comes full circle," Louis groaned. He stood up and kissed my cheek. I watched his back as he walked away from me, into our kitchen. Our kitchen. In our house that we owned together.
I flopped back onto the couch and looked at the ceiling.
"Lou, honey?"
"Yes, love?" Louis called.
"Can we paint the ceiling?"
"You're the one that insisted on that specific shade of grey," Louis reminded. I rolled my eyes and groaned. The door opened and closed. Thirty seconds later, it opened and closed again. Louis came back into the living room. "You don't like it?"
"I donno," I said, squinting. "I guess I do."
"It's just the ceiling," Louis said. "It's not a wall. Not like you have to look at it all the time."
"True," I laughed. I sat up and looked at him with a small smile on my face.
Louis and I bought our home in LA four months ago. In that time, we grew closer and even more domestic. It was nice to be back with him. It was nice to finally be on the right track.
"I don't know where my leg is," I groaned.
"Did you leave it in the bathroom after we took a shower?"
"Oh! Yes, I did," I said. Louis pulled me up onto my leg and raised his eyebrows. "Piggy back ride?" Louis groaned. "Please?"
"You're lucky I love you," Louis giggled. He spun around and crouched down. I cheered to myself and climbed onto his back. He grabbed onto my thighs tightly before jumping to readjust me and nodding his head.
He and I made the treck upstairs, to our bed. He dropped me onto it and I sighed, looking up at him. He rolled over to the other side of the bed and we both moved up towards the headboard.
"Remember when you used to freeze in my room at the house because you wanted an excuse to cuddle?" Louis asked suddenly.
"That was before you even said you loved me," I laughed. "Gosh, Lou, we were so young."

Fanfiction[this is the story of my happily ever after. and don't worry, it's definitely a fun one.] - ❝I will love you until the end of time, and then even longer after that.❞ - Mickey Horan finally got the happiness she wanted. She found it in her biologic...