Stella's POV
Tablets at my lips and a straw. I sipped the cool water, flushing the pills down my throat as I inwardly winced. Medicine wasn't just my thing. With Mom and Joey sitting at the corner of the room, Dr Evans switched the cups and urged me to drink the disgusting garlic filled tea. Gulping more saliva than the tea with ginger adding more prickles in my throat, I gagged. Sucked to be sick.
Dr Evans kept the cup at my lips, still urging me to sip some more. Hit him! The evil voice in my head pushed as my hands balled into a fist. I really wanted to hit him hard, but later changed my mind. This was our family doctor.
"Quit gagging weirdo and sip the liquid. It's just tea" Joey teased annoyingly staring at his phone.
Forget the doctor, take down the boy!
He deserves it and more!
If only my mom wasn't in the room, someone was going to get bite marks all over their butt.
"Owk sweetie if that fever doesn't come down sooner, I'll be forced to give you shots" with a wink, Evans added "pray it does. Sure you don't want any shots T....."
"...On the butt right!?" Joey cut him off, smirking looking me straight in the eye.
"Yup! Right there" with that they both giggled
"Oh shut up you two!" Finally, mom came to my rescue. "Stop teasing my baby and get back to work. And don't you have assignments to finish?" With an eyebrow up, she questioned my blood idiot.
" you don't get? This is the only time I get to do my thing. She's lifeless on the bed, so c'mon let's have fun?" I almost choked with laughter as mom dismissed him with just a glare. Not enough, but serves him right!
"Don't worry baby, you'll be fine. I'm here" I loved my mom mostly because she always knew what to say at the right time, especially when it comes to the sick.
"Are shots necessary?" I asked, hoping it was a joke.
"Well's either that, or I take you to the ER."
I shook my head in denial, realizing the fact that I didn't know what it meant but kept shut. It sounded dangerous.
Minutes later, He left. Mom was running some damp wash-cloth over my head. She got up once and the returned after heading towards the bathroom to replace the water. When that was all done, I pleaded with her to leave. I needed some time alone.It's been a week since I'd fallen ill. And to be completely honest, Gustavo was the cause of it. My heart ached thinking of all the things he'd done in that hotel room with Rachel. She didn't deserve him. She just wanted his money, but he was too love struck by her charms to notice that.
But you left him! You left him twice.
He told you how he felt but you left, now you want him? You're so pathetic Stella!
My conscience was right, I was pathetic. I was stupid. I'm such a bitch.Two days felt like two minutes, difference with me being held by my mom every 20 seconds to clean up and pee. I felt normal, but still healing. I could go to pee by myself and get certain stuffs too.
Doctor Evans was back at my bedside table.
"Good! Your fever is down, so no shots. Not yet. But you need to take a walk, at least to get your energy back sweetheart."
Owk enough of the sweet-whatever talk. Mom told me he looked at me sweetly, but what I see is disgusting to view. Sure he was hot. Correction, he steams due to his looks and body. But I wasn't going to get over my rule. 'Don't crush back on your ex crushes'.
Yup. I had a thing for him back then. I told him, he kissed me on the forehead and that was it. Stupid.
"We could go for a walk now, together....that's if you don't mind tho." He suddenly acted all giddy. Moron. Thank goodness I didn't have a mind reader around me. All my thoughts would have come to realization, making me look like a bad person. Something I didn't care about; but I sure wasn't going to like the sound of it, not to talk of thinking about it.
Shoes on with my joggers on, we both went for an evening run. It wasn't all that bad, but I kept my distance.
"Wait! Hold on!" He yelled from behind as I came to a halt. "I thought you're sick...why running so fast". He asked, taking quick breaths. I wasn't all sick. It was heartbreak for something that didn't even exist. I held myself from saying out loud.
"I feel better now" with a smile, I grabbed his hands and ran with him, jerking from time to time.
Shirtless, we talked a little more about ourselves, and to be completely honest, aside the fact I felt Soo uncomfortable seeing his exposed nipples and hard biceps, he was fun and really lively. Turned out he wasn't into me at all, he was just being the sexy good looking charming doctor. That I could tell whenever he stopped to say ' friendly' hi's to the ladies we passed by.
__________________Oh shit!! "Not today!!"
I grumbled as I took out a napkin to wipe the spilled coffee off of my blouse.
I was well enough to resume work today, and I ran out of the house as early as I could. Mom and Joey were such pain in my ass to deal with. Mom's always "aww you're too.... Blah oww this is Soo....blushh" and Joey was......well an ass tho.
"Oh hell no! I'm really sorry babes" Jilly, my co-worker apologized. "Buuttt...." I knew it, she just couldn't finish a sentence without the butt part ughh! "...I don't think napkins would get that out love". As much as I hate to admit, she was absolutely right. Napkins won't do nothing. "C'mon Babs let's go the the bathroom".
"And you think this is going to help??" I asked, wanting to slap some sense into her obviously thick skull.
"Yeahh- and I heard your lame thoughts again idiot" yup she always did. "Plus you've got nothing to worry about, it's just a body suit. And it looks good on you cuz of them Racks and tummy tho.....buutttt-"
" -Shut up!" I cut her as she winked down at my supposed Racks and exited the ladies room. It was too tight. Great! Now I'm stuck with a white body suit and no bra on with no jacket and my normal conservative blouse being soaked in water. Smart of me.
Despite my position at work, I really didn't want to get attention, not even like this. Head up and a deep breath, I left the bathroom and headed to my office, trying to ignore the eyes daring to Peirce my tits.
This is Soo embarrassing - I can feel their stares! Ughh how I hate wearing tight clothes to conservative places like this, they make me feel so insecure.
All my life since I started working, I've been wearing decent clothes. As a banker I never for once wore a tight cloth; just baggy. Janitress, I'd been wearing a mechanic overall.
But this!?? Just isn't my thing, wearing a body suit to one of the most respectable companies I've ever worked offense Gustavo.
"Yeass stellz one more step a-and a quick dash, you'd be free to relax in that warm office of yours." Right? Right!!"Good morning Stella!"
Fuck! Why!?
Ughh Stella you just couldn't make it on time! I knew you wouldn't do it.
Shut then fuck up conscience!

Falling for the janitress- ON HOLD
RomanceStella banks,an attractive pretty hard to get no nonsense young lady works as a janitress in the Ali Tower, a billion dollar company, owned by a busy ruthless arrogant but yet devilishly handsome Billionaire, Gustavo Ali, who pays no attention-order...