Chapter 3 *EDITED*

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We arrived at the boy's house swiftly, and I wasted no time knocking on the door. Thundering footsteps approached, and when the door swung open, there stood Harry's useless fat Uncle Vernon, a bloated mass of anger and hatred.

He hurled insults at us, calling us "freaks" and demanding we leave. His ignorance fueled my anger, and without hesitation, I stunned him. One of the Lestrange brothers efficiently dealt with him, escorting him to my dungeon.

Bellatrix and Lucius swiftly incapacitated Vernon's son and wife, apparating them to join him.

Turning my attention back to the task at hand, I began searching the house for Harry. Eventually, I came upon a door secured with nine locks. With a flick of my wand, each lock clicked open under the Alohomora spell. I pushed open the door cautiously and found a small figure curled up in the corner.

Harry recoiled as I approached, crying and trembling in fear. Ignoring his resistance, I scooped him up gently, wrapping him in a comforting embrace. I whispered soothing words, trying to calm his frayed nerves.

For a while, I simply held him, feeling the tension slowly leave his small frame. As exhaustion overcame him, his eyes began to droop. "Sleep, Harry," I murmured softly. "Everything will be fine now."

Bellatrix's cooing interrupted the moment, and I shot her a sharp glare. She quickly confirmed that everything else was taken care of.

Looking down at Harry in my arms, I decided it was time to leave. "Let's go," I ordered, leading the way out of the house and back to Malfoy Manor.

Once at the manor, I directed Narcissa and Snape to attend to Harry's wounds. They had already begun when I entered the room. I settled nearby, choosing a book to occupy my attention while keeping a watchful eye on Harry, ensuring he was safe and cared for.

As the night wore on, I remained vigilant, silently vowing that Harry would find sanctuary and protection here, far from the horrors he endured before.

Note: thank you so much for reading this however I usually only post a new chapter when someone ask for it I might change that but for now if you want more please leave a comment.

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