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          ~~memory continued: junior high~~Once you were able to be discharged from the hospital, you had to have an additional 2 weeks off from school for recovery at home

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~~memory continued: junior high~~
Once you were able to be discharged from the hospital, you had to have an additional 2 weeks off from school for recovery at home.

When you were finally able to go back to school, kirishima was hanging out with a new group of kids at school. The kids that were known as the (school name) delinquents.

His back was faced towards you, so he didn't notice you until you lightly pulled on the back of his shirt. Something only you did, and kirishima never minded it.

But, when he turned around, kirishima's eyes, didn't have the sparkle of excitement to see you like they usually do, which made you drop the grip you had on the back of his shirt and just stare at him. The aura he was giving off and everything was a so different.

"Oh. Hey y/n." He said in a cold tone.

Before he could say anything else, the bell rang, signaling that class was starting.

"That's the bell. Gotta go. Bye."

That was the last conversation you had with kirishima until the end of the junior year.

~~Memory Unlocked: end of Junior high~~

It was the day after the last day of school. You decided to go over and talk to kirishima to see what you did wrong to make him hate you so bad, but when you asked his parents where he went, they told you he went out to do things that she didn't approve of with his new "friends". She said all she knew was he was behind a store that closed early that night.

You thanked her, and headed towards the store you had a hunch he'd be at. Sure enough, as you got close to the store, you heard glass breaking, and guys laughing.

"You wanna get beat up more kid? Huh?" One of the delinquents asked as whimpers were heard.

"J-just let me go..." the victim said. Upon walking into an alleyway that led to behind the store, you gripped the side of the building and peaked your head out to peak. Kirishima was nowhere to be seen. There was 2 delinquents hovering over a younger pre teen that was curled up in a ball.

"You think you're so slick trying to keep us out of your store, trying to BAN us. Fucking ridiculous. If you kept your store's security tighter then you wouldn't have to worry about us stealin shit all the time!" The delinquents said kicking him one last time before spitting on him.

You were too busy trying to find kirishima that you didn't feel the presence of another delinquency behind you, until his hands were on your shoulders, and pushing you out of your tiny peaking place.

"Look what we got sir! A spy!" He said shoving you to the ground.

The guy that the delinquent called sir walked over to you. You were guessing he was the leader of this group.

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