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                ~~emotion unlocked: jealousy~~
                ~~Memory unlocked: First kiss~~
           ~~Memory unlocked: first "I love you"~~

A year went past, and you both were now second years at UA. Your guys's relationship was as healthy as ever, but, recently, you've been worried.

A girl in his class has gotten really touchy with him, and sometimes invites herself onto dates.

If the two of you were at a coffee shop, or a boba shop and she saw you two there, it suddenly wasn't a date it was a 'hangout'. Which honestly started to get on your nerves because there was times you felt like you're the one that joined in on hers and kirishima's date. You didn't want to bring it up because you thought kirishima would feel like you were being a toxic girlfriend, so, you just sucked it up and acted like it didn't bother you.

You just recently found out that the girls name was Mina.

It was getting to become winter, so you started to make hot meals for kirishima since you knew how much he liked your cooking.

You were walking to the classroom of UA to give kirishima his food, and to head to the abandoned classroom the two of you always eat at. Recently that's the only alone time the two of you get unless you were at his house or he was at your house.

You opened the door and stepped in to see Mina's chest pushed up against kirishima's back while kirishima, Denki, and Bakugo were trying to have a conversation in the front right corner of the classroom.

Kirishima has a bead of sweat rolling down his face as he was trying to ignore what was on his back.

You on the other hand, just saw some other woman being way too close to your man, and the way she had her hands slung over and just hanging down off of his shoulders, made her hands/fingers dangerously close to his uhh....manhood.

"K-kiri.." you were able to say quietly in a sweet tone. Kirishima seemed more than happy to see you. He quickly jumped up and basically ran to you as he took the food out of your hand and kissed your cheek. "Thank you for the food love. Shall we go- h-hey is everything ok..?"

"H-huh? Y-yeah I'm fine why do you ask?"

"You're really stiff.."

"I-it's fine...don't worry let's just go." You said as you quickly left the classroom with kirishima hot on your heels.

The two of you ate in silence. There was a heavy feeling weighing over both of you.

"Is there something you wanna talk about? On your mind?" He asked looking at you As you just shook your head no.

"Ok..how is your day going y/n?"

"I-it's...going well." You lied. Your grades are slipping and you're not sleeping because you're up all day and all night trying to keep the voices quiet, and trying not to overthink things. "What about you kiri?"

"It's going well. Thanks for making this amazing food babe. It's really good. I'm so ready to eat your food on a daily basis."

Your heart grew warm as you smiled. "I'm ready for that too."

"Say, let's go out on a date later today. How about that? I know we haven't been able to hang out lately due to the finals, and I think we both deserve it."

'If we can actually be alone' you thought. "Yeah that sounds amazing"

He smiled as sadly, the bell rang. The both of you got up, and threw your trash away. Kirishima handed you the bento box back, and kissed your cheek once again. "Thank you again, love."

Childhood Love| Eijiro Kirishima x readerWhere stories live. Discover now