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                  ~~Memory unlocked: UA high~~

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                  ~~Memory unlocked: UA high~~

Since that night, kirishima and you slowly became closer, and kirishima helped you around the house since it was hard for you for a while to move with all of the severe bruising you had.

But once it was ready for school to start back up, it was time for both of you to go to UA. Kirishima dye his hair red, as a sign that he was wanting to change and leave his past behind. It was a hot change. (He was hot before to you but red just suited him!)

Sadly you would not be going into the same classes as kirishima since you were going more into the 'side kick' classes while kirishima was going into the hero courses.

Things were going swell the first year at UA for the both of you, and your friendship was stronger than before, and once again, you two were inseparable...

That was until both of you realized that it was more than friendship that the both of you wanted.

          ~~memory unlocked: love day~~

"Say, are you going to make chocolates for love day?" Kirishima asked while both of you sat on the couch watching a movie.

"U-umm...n-no I don't think so." You said awkwardly scratching your cheek. "What about you kiri?"

"I mean, I'm not sure. There is this girl I really am starting to get feelings for- well- I mean they've always been there but they've become stronger lately. I just don't know where her heart is at and if she'd want to be with me."

Your heart sank but you tried not to show it. "She'd be crazy not to be happy that you'd be interested in her kirishima. You're so strong and funny and amazing to be around. You're an amazing guy kiri, and if you like a girl you should let it be known. You have one life, live it."

"I think I will make chocolates for her. You're right y/n! Same to you. If there's a guy you like, you need to show them! I need to go get supplies! I gotta go y/n! See ya soon!"

And with that, kirishima left.

"I can't tell who I like that I like them...because that someone is you..." you said with a sigh.

~~timeskip to school the next day~~

"Y/n!" Kirishima said running to you. "I'm sorry I couldn't walk with you this morning! I had to finish up my chocolates!"

"It's fine kirishima. The box is pretty." You said looking at the small square box of chocolates the boy was holding in his hand.

Childhood Love| Eijiro Kirishima x readerWhere stories live. Discover now