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Days went by and things seemed to go back to normal. Mina didn't lean on kirishima, or didn't hardly look or talk to him. When the two of you left school to go on dates or just study together, she never showed up.

Yours and kirishima's guards finally were able to come down, and be less tense around each other. It was almost back to normal until one day, things didn't.

You were coming into the classroom to get kirishima to go out to the courtyard to get your lunch. It was spring so the weather was perfect for you two to eat outside. When you opened the door, kirishima wasn't there. Neither was Mina.

"H-hey, Bakugo, do you know where kirishima went?"

"Who? Oh- shitty hair, yeah he found a note in his locker. Apparently someone wanted to talk to him on the roof. Good luck." He said with a chuckle at the end.

"Someone wanted to meet him up on the-" your heart sank. It was Mina. Had to be.

You rushed up to the rooftop, and pushed open the door so hard it banged against the wall and scared both Mina and kirishima.

"Babe!" Kirishima said happily as he was about to run to you but Mina grabbed his jacket sleeve and pulled him back

"Wait- don't go yet I still have to tell you something!"

"Make it quick then! I don't like keeping her waiting!"

Before kirishima could even think about the next thing he wanted to say, Mina quickly moved in front of him, and kissed him on the lips. As they were kissing, she side eyed you, and instantly you felt your blood boil.

You dropped the bento boxes you had in your hands and ran over to her and punched her as hard as you could.

Not knowing that you would do that, Mina fell back into the floor, and you got on top of her and started to beat the living shit out of her.

Kirishima has never saw this side of you, and honestly he was so shocked, he couldn't comprehend what was going on. He didn't know whether to pull you off of her, or clap for you.

Bakugo clearing his throat behind him made kirishima jump and look at him.

"My bets are on y/n. That look in her Eyes are the same I get when I see either that half and half bastard or dumbass deku. She won't stop until she's unconscious or not breathing at all. You got yourself a psycho bitch." Bakugo says with a grin on his face.

"Oh yeah I forgot to say, you might want to get y/n off of her before one of the teachers finds her beating up another student. She'll get expelled."

Kirishima nodded and tried to get you off Mina. Eventually it worked and Mina was laying on the ground unconscious.

"I fuckin told you shitty hair. I should have put money on it."

Without saying anything, you walked over to the bento boxes you threw on the floor and looked away.

"I'm sorry I ruined lunch.." you said as you felt like you were about to cry. You didn't mean to attack her. Just knock her away from kirishima, but once you hit her, you couldn't control your body, and you knocked her out unconscious.

"Oi, no matter what shitty hair says, you shouldn't feel bad for what you did. Just observing how you were acting I'm guessing Mina probably kissed him or touched him in a way you didn't like. It's fine. What you did is fine. Kirishima should be grateful that you did something like that because it means that you really like him. You're not willing to stand around and watch someone else get fuckin close to your man."

You gave Bakugo a quick nod of the head to let him know you acknowledged what he said.

"Now you two should go get some bread from the cafeteria, I'll tell Aizawa some dumbass excuse for her being knocked out."

"Thank you, Bakugo." You said as kirishima and you joined hands and left the rooftop.

"Don't fucking mention it and don't get used to be acting so damn nice!"


Finally after what felt like a lifetime, it was time to go home, and kirishima and you both didn't waste anytime to run home incase any teachers wanted to talk to both of you.

When you successfully made it home, kirishima and you sat on the couch and turned on a movie but the two didn't focus on the movie until kirishima finally broke the semi tense air by speaking on what happened.

"Baby, I hope you know I'm not mad at you for doing what you did. I should be, but I'm not. I thought a lot about what Bakugo said, and he's right. I should be thankful to have a girl that's willing to fight for me, compared to someone who's willing to just stand by and watch something happen."

He wrapped his arm around you and laid his head on yours.

You smiled at kirishima's statement. You still felt bad for doing it, but at least you know you're not going to loose kirishima over your jealousy.

And let's say after all of this...Mina never even looked at kirishima after that.

Word count: 895

Hey guys I'm sorry this is so short, I posted about this on my account but if you're new here, I'm dealing with a lot going on rn, and I'm still trying to finish this book.

I also don't want to drag this book on for too long so y'all can finish it without being bored.

See y'all in the next chapter



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