Chapter 15

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        Why would someone do this? What did they try to accomplish? Are they happy that they killed an innocent boy? Whoever did this I swear on Nolan’s life I will get revenge. The rage inside of me was on fire. Words cannot describe how angry I am.

        After I was fully clothed, I ran out of my room, down the hall, and past the desk. I left the hospital not having any idea where to go. The truck was taken away due to evidence. Before I knew it, my legs were walking, they started picking up speed; faster and faster they would go. Eventually I was sprinting, my legs had an idea of where to go than I did.

        Looking up at the familiar place that is know longer a home, due to the lost of my brother, I stood outside, hoping to God that Alden had nothing to do with this. Praying that it wasn’t him, and that he had know idea, but the harder I prayed, the more pain I felt.

        Taking a deep breath, I entered the big doors that entered the big, beautiful home. There he was, sitting on the couch with his coworkers watching a football game. It discussed me how he didn’t even care for Nolan.

        “Faith! How’ve you been?” One of the coworkers asked as they slurred their words just a little. I didn’t answer, I just stared at him; for a second, I thought I saw his ugly soul, but Nolan and I said something a long time ago. People who work with Alden, have no soul.

        “Well, that’s good I guess. “ He said as if I answered his question.

         “Faith, how was Nolan?” Alden asked getting off the couch. He never got off the couch to ask me something. In fact, he never asked me for anything. He’s playing an act, in front of his buddies.

        “He died Alden.” I said looking up at him. His facial expression was fake; his eyes were shocked but they were doing high-fives to each other behind the pupil. He was cheering inside his head, ‘More ingredients! More money!’

        “Oh, what a shame.” His voice sadden.

        “Yeah, it is.” I said. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

        “Sure sweetie.”

        “Alone.” I demanded as I looked at his little group of coworkers sitting on the couch, eating every single piece of chip they could find. Slobs. He left the living room and headed toward the kitchen area.

        “Okay, cut the crap.” I said right as soon as he closed the door.

         “Cut what crap?” He said trying not to smile.

        “You lying, I know you don’t feel sad about this. This is what you wanted isn’t it?”


        “More ingredients mean more money, right?” I said as I mimicked him.

        “Well yeah, but I never would of thought it would of gone this far. I mean, after I did it before, it worked perfectly-“

        “Wait, what? You killed someone before? Just for drugs too? What the hell is wrong with you?” I shouted at him.

        “I’m not the one that does all the dirty work.” He said as he argued back at me.

        “But you plan it. Who else did you kill?” I asked.

        “It doesn’t matter. It’s over and done with, so lets just move on from this.”

        “Who else did you kill Alden?” I repeated.

        He stared at me, this time his eyes were filled with sadness. I never seen them like that before, usually they’re filled with evil and happiness.

        “Alden?” I asked.

        “It wasn’t just me that did it.” He said with his quiet voice. “Some of the guys in the living room helped me with it, but I never meant it to happen.”

        “Who did you kill?” I asked again.

        “I always knew you would find the truth, but not from me.”

        “Answer me.”

        Taking a deep breath, he looked back in my eyes, and spoke softly, but clearly. “Your mother.”

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