Chapter 12

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        “The hospital?” Why would he be at the hospital? Out of all the places, why there? It doesn’t make sense. The only reason for him to be there, is if he was hurt, but the hotel door was locked behind me. I made sure of it.

        “Yea, turns out that he was hit by an oncoming bus.” He says calmly.

        “I don’t understand.” I whispered.

        “Well, a bystander said that they saw him in the morning looking for something, he was running all over the place until eventually, he didn’t look where he was going and the bus came out of nowhere.”

        “Oh my God.” Was all I could say. He is only fifteen; his body couldn’t handle all of that pressure. I don’t think a fully developed man could handle all of it.

        “Oh my God indeed. The bill for life support is pretty big.”

        “Life support?” I turned to look at him with the tears forming.

        “Well, yea. You didn’t think he would walk this off did you? He was hit by a bus.” He said that last sentence very clearly. It was like saying it to a four year old to get something straight.

        “When Nolan is in the hospital, the only thing you worry about is the freaking life support!” I shouted at him. “You’re a monster.”

        “I can be a bigger one. Son in the hospital from major bus accident. Do you understand how much more ingredients we are going to get for the company? They’ll feel bad for me and give me more than I already have. More ingredients mean more money.” He said as he paced himself back and forth.

        “I’m going to the hospital, and when Nolan gets better, we’re leaving. You don’t deserve kids. You didn’t even deserve mom. I hope you rot in hell you filthy animal!” That was the last thing I said before I turned my back and ran.

        In the distance I heard Alden shout, “Good luck! He’s brain dead! He isn’t going anywhere!”

        I got into the truck and started the engine. The tears were pouring down on my face and the engine wouldn’t start.

        “Turn on!” I shouted angrily, as soon as my hands hit the wheel, it started. I need to calm down, just take even breaths Faith. I made way to the hospital as fast as I could. When I got to the front desk, they all looked at me with worry in their face.

        “Nolan Spencer, where is he?” I said out of breath.

        “Miss, you need help. Nurse White!” The receptionist shouted.

        “No, I don’t need help, I need to know what room my brother is in!” I shouted.

        “Calm down dear, everything is going to be all right.”

        Behind me a women was bringing a wheelchair towards me.

        “What room is Nolan Spencer in!” I shouted again, staring to get impatient.

        Before I knew it, I was forcefully set in the chair, and they started wheeling me away from the desk. I tried to get up but they just pushed me back down.

        “Let me go!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

        “Give her the anesthetic.” One of the doctors said to the other.

        “No! Don’t touch me!” I yelled at them. I was going to say more but the next thing I felt was a needle going into my shoulder. I could feel the liquid going into my blood stream. It numbed my arm, then my fingers, and started making its way all over my body. My eyes were growing heavy, and my mind was going blank. I heard faint voices in the background.

        “Put her on the bed,” a male doctor demanded.

        “Her skull is cracked no doubt about it.” Another said.

        “Bruises are showing all around her body, even around her rib and chest area, make sure to get an x-ray of that.”

        “Yes sir.”

        “Miss?” A women’s voice echoed. “Can you hear me?”

        I tried making eye contact but everything was blurry. It was like trying to look through a plastic Hy-Vee bag. It got worse before it could get better.

        “Can you tell me your name,” the voice said.

        “F-Faith,” I managed to say between my numb lips.

        “You said Nolan Spencer is your brother?” She asked sadly.


        “So your name is Faith Spencer. Would you like us to call anyone, maybe a mother or father?”

        “No!” I shouted, and just for a split second I saw everything clearly. There were at least five doctors around me, and I was in a different room. It looked like an operating room. The women who was talking to me had rose red cheeks, brown hair, and blue eyes. They gently laid me down and injected me with something else.

        “Don’t worry dear, everything is going to be okay.” And I was surrounded in darkness. I was alone, and scared. I hated being alone; I could hear my thoughts echo in the darkness with me. Where am I? I thought as I heard it echo all around. I didn’t get an answer, all I received was heavier eyes and the blackness somehow got darker. I couldn’t tell how long I was in the darkness, but it felt like an eternity. I felt pressure going up my legs. It crawled up on me like a spider. I couldn’t move, it just trapped me, I looked down to see my body was turning black; I couldn’t see my feet anymore, my legs were fading away. What? Echoed through the darkness. It was quiet; I could just hear the uneven pounding of my heart. A cold breeze went by my ear, if I wasn’t trapped to the floor I would of turned around to see what it was, but I knew there was someone, or something behind me.

        “Run.” My eyes widen. A deep, soft, rough voice whispered into my ear. It was a male, telling me to run. I can’t! I thought in fear.

         “Run!”  Tears streamed down my face as did sweat, when I tried to move my numb legs. Kicking and kicking I finally made it out. I sprinted away from the voice, not knowing where I was going. Needing a break I stopped running. My throat was dry and my lungs were stiff. I could feel something coming towards me. I ran, so leave me alone!

        Nothing. It was as if I was talking to a brick wall.

         “Run.” There it was again, but it was more of a grunt sound. It was more solid than the last time, this wasn’t a whisper, this was a demand. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. I couldn’t make one ounce of sound. Trying to think of a way to go, the blackness was coming back. It was about to consume me whole until I noticed a light in the distance. Getting free one last time, I ran as fast as I could to the light, as I did, it was getting brighter and brighter.

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