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Voldemort paced, his blood boiling in anger.
Two weeks ago, his beloved had been ripped right out of his arms!
He was so worried, as was everyone else.
When Hermione and Ron found out, they blew up the living room.
Greyback tore a prisoner apart, Bellatrix had started shouting a billion hexes, and Draco and Ginny both almost set the place on fire.
Not to mention Nagini.
Voldemort shivered, and remembered just how angry his beloved snake was.
Or still is, actually.
The damn snake actually had threatened to eat him.
Voldemort closed his eyes, and banged his hands against his desk.
Goddamit to fucking Salazar!
He just wanted his love back.
Tom always thought he couldn't love, and that he would never get what he wanted most.
But damnit, Harry had changed him and that little child in Harry was what made Voldemort want to strive to live.
Now that they were both gone...
Tom sat down, he'd barely slept or eaten since Harry was gone.
He'd had his men searching all day and night for Harry, but all trails led cold.
Tom knew the order had to have him, but he didn't know where!
Even Black manor, Tom couldn't find it and the spell prevented the others from showing him.
He just wanted Harry back!
He would never let the boy go again.
Not ever out of his sight.
But, would he ever get Harry back again?
The thought brought tears to his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.
His mind raced a thousand miles an hour, and his heart ached at the loss of his lover.
The door slammed open and Tom seethed.
"What do you want?!"
His heavy breathing was heard, and Tom didn't look up.
He was almost terrified to see who he'd scared so badly.
"Now is that any way to greet the mother of you're child, after he just got back from being held captive?" Came the hissing reply.
Tom froze.
There was only one other Parselmouth in the world.
Tom had gripped his lover in a hug so tight that Harry actually tried to pull away, in fear of being suffocated.
Tom was so grateful, his love was home and safe with him again.
He thought of everyone else, and how happy they would be to see Harry was here and okay.
Tom almost started to cry, and loosened his grip on Harry just a little, so Harry could breathe.
Tom was about to speak when the words were caught in his throat.
Toms robes were soaking wet.
What the?
Tom pulled away from Harry a few steps and looked at his robes.
They were soaked, with deep red, blood.
Tom froze again.
His shirt was so soaked in it that it dripped onto the floor.
So much blood.
Tom slowly looked up.
At first he caught site of Harry's robes and stopped. They were as soaked with blood as his were, almost more so. Then he thought of their baby.
No this can't be happening.
He slowly looked even higher, and Harry's face was covered in blood.
It dripped slowly down his face, like it had been waiting for Tom to see it.
Tom shook a little.
Oh my god.
His voice came out raspy and panicked, almost as if he didn't have the words.
Harry looked straight at him.
"Tom, we need to talk." He said.
Tom practically fell into the chair. "Is-is our baby alright?"
Harry's face fell for a moment before realization dawned on his face.
"Oh no! Tom no. This isn't my blood!"
Tom let out the biggest breath he could have possibly held.
"Then whose is it? I'm sorry that this is the first thing I ask, but to be fair I would like to not have a heart attack, love." Tom promptly hugged Harry again, less tight.
Then proceeded to absentmindedly rub Harry's baby bump as he began to tell Tom why he was covered in blood.
"It's dumbledores."
Tom looked up with a bit of wide eyes.
But Harry was sure he saw satisfaction in there somewhere.
Oh, Tom. He thought.
Wait until you know just who all, I killed. You'll be pleased to hear how, my love.

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