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The car ride was silent, Nicole just stared out the window.

"Ok, head to the prinicpals office- theres someone waiting to show you around" her mother said.

Nicole didnt move.

"Do you have eveything?" she asked impaiently.


"Whats wrong now?" her mother groaned.

"Nothing," Nicole muttered, getting out of the car, slamming the door. Her mother pulled away, not even saying goodbye.

The hallways were empty, first period must have already started. After what felt like forever of searching, Nicole finally found the prinicpals office and headed in. He was a tall, bald man. His eyebrows were furrowed looking tense. He looked up, "Goodmorning, can I help you with something?" He questioned slightly angerly.

"Im Nicole Haught. Im new."

"Yes, yes. Okay, I am Mr. Morrison" he shuffled her papers, looking round and held one up as he picked up his glasses. "Nicole, have a seat please."

She nodded and sat glancing around at his office, while he read whatever papers were in his hands.




-read the posters attached to the walls. She rolled her eyes. She was already done with this shitty school.

Mr. Morrison interupted her thoughts as her spoke through the intercom. "MR JACOB LEVISON PLEASE REPORT TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE. JACOB LEVISON."

He turned to her, "Mr. Levison will show you around today."

It was quiet again, as her went back to reading her papers.

A boy walked through the door wearing wrinkle- free kakis and a light blue button down. 

Fuck me, she groaned in her head, already annoyed.

"Hello, Jacob. This is Nicole Haught, she is new. You will show her around today," the principal stated, handing both her and the boy a schedule. He quickly scribed something down on a post-it note, handing it to Jacob. "Give this to her first class teacher. All good?" He asked looking from the boy back to Nicole.

"Yes sir," Jacob said as Nicole nodded and stood up.

"Good. Have a great day," Mr. Morrison said as Jacob pushed open the door.

They walked in silence down halls towards her first class- according to the paper- chemisrty.

This day just keeps getting better and better she thought sarcasticlly.

Suddenly he stopped at a closed door. Jacob looked down at the paper, double checking, then opened the door. The teacher stopped speaking abrutly as Jacob handed her the note. She nodded. "Find a seat please..." she glanced down at the note again, "..Nicole."

She headed to the back of the room, kids staring at her, as class resumed.

What seemed like forever later, the bell rang. Students quickly exited. Nicole did too, but last out, stopping just outside the doorway, looking for Jacob. She waited until the bell rang, finally realizing he wasnt coming. 

She glanced at her schedule in her hand. 'Enlish-308-Ms. Setbita' her second period class read. She looked slightly above at her first, 'Chemistry-118-Mrs.Furnin. She sighed as she started walking, trying to find stairs.

"Whos the new ginger?" (WayHaught Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now