It's Not What You Think

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It's been a hot and muggy day with the clouds no where in site in the blue sky. Mathematics was a blur and Music was a nightmare. Fiona didn't show up and every second key on the piano I'd mess up that Lea Confetti had pulled me aside. I'd be lucky to get a C report by my performance today but even that would be a miracle. By lunch I'd send a text message to Lisa "Could we talk? Please" Half an hour goes by but still no reply. "Hey Pete, you looking not yourself what's up?" Hunter takes a big spoon of his chocolate Sunday Ice cream that seems to becoming like a milky Choc drink. We take a sit on the benches facing the footy field a I fill him in. "Dude; honesty speaking don't do it" Hunter's ice cream drips onto his red t-shirt; he swears under his breath and pull his top up to his mouth licking it away. I don't respond because I know his right, Seeing Lisa would be bad but I need to stop this awful feeling in my chest. I haven't heard anything from Lisa since the last text message. "Fine I'll see you tonight" Hunter tips  his ice cream cup up letting it flow into his mouth and then licks his spoon. "See You Then" He stands up as I start to walk to the direction of the library ready to study for History on the subject of the  Red Scare that had happened after World War one. The library is big, two levels with shiny, smooth stairs at either sides of the reception and the shelves are lined up in perfect order from A to Z. There all opened to anyone besides the far back of the library only VIP'S  can go in there like Teachers or some other Students I've seen go into that area but you need a swipe card to unlock the gate to it. I'm not sure what's in there and why it's closed off for only a few others remains a mystery. I'd ask for the card access to the gate but the Lady at the reception didn't know what I was talking about so I stole it from a student.  I went into there twice, it was just books with heavy dust on them about past students that had came here and on third visit the card hadn't worked. I go into the third row of the book shelves where I found the letter H; taking three books to borrow and I go back to my dorms . I know I need to get ready for work this evening at the car wash. Its not a long shift today but the car wash is always busy over loading with cars in line to be washed. I'd seen with Fiona with someone I'd hadn't seen before on the campus this evening on the way. Fiona is taller then her by an inch and there expressions on there faces seem excited about something that makes me jealous. My phone buzzes in my pocket as a lady walk past me reading an open book. "I think that's a good idea; come by mine when you can xx" My chest fills in with air of some sort of relief that Lisa has finally replied. I type but then back space and then press send. "I'll be there at four, that okay?" I head to the exit of the building in normal speed but I really wish I could speed up to Lisa within seconds. "Pete" Charlie calls my name walking past him with Hannah and another person with light blue hair. "Sorry not right now" I give him a light wave with my right arm feeling my feet walk quicker but a gentle tag on my hand stops me. "Is everything okay Pete?" Hannah's voice sounds gentle and low then I've ever heard it before. Her pupils turns into her wolf eyes and then waves of her brown eyes move so quick making me spit out words out of my mouth before thinking. "I'm trying to fix it... get back with Lisa; I love her" My chest feels lighter as I sigh out at end of it. Hannah just charmed me. " Why did you do that?" I feel my face tense up. "Lisa never really deserved your love; Pete. Let her go" Hannah lightly frowns biting onto her lower lip. Everyone is so against Lisa and I. They wont before. "Is it because of my twin flame; I told you she doesn't want it" My voice is in a whisper but it slowly gets higher towards the end of it feeling my vines in my throat tense up. Hannah whisper's sorry behind me; leaving and exiting the door to outside where a over dramatic waterfall hides the sun in front of me. I drive my Holden car twenty minutes to work packing into the workers car park not long before getting out of my car my Boss Matthew throws a yellow sponge nodding my way with a smile that I just got in on time for the next lot of cars to be washed. There are eight of us in a row doing different jobs; Matthew is hosing the cars with water, I'm the second who is soaping the cars, the other two are washing the soap off and wiping the car. Two in front of them are Vacuuming and shining the car to brand new. It feels like two hours of non-stop of washing before we swipe jobs and have a coffee break. Vacuuming was a breeze after the five minutes of our break. The last car of the day had been the most messy one we had all day but I 'd only had to clean crumbs behind the carpets. As if they'd sweep it under there on purpose. Matthew pays me in cash before leaving work shaking heads like we always do before heading back to the University campus and freshen up to see Lisa. The sun becomes orange and the day becomes cooler. On the way to the girls dorms I buy a yellow sunflower from the Flower and Art student's Markets. I text Lisa I'm here five doors down to hers. I was about to knock but Lisa opens the door instead. She wears my favorite green sundress that I gave her for her Birthday last year. "Hey, come in" She swings the door open and then close's it telling me to take a seat on to her bed. "So just before we begin, I don't want to fight and I just want to say how it is" She talks with her hands showing that she is nervous as I am. I nod my head admiring her straight black hair gracefully touching her flawless skin. I wait for her to talk but a few awkward seconds past. "So...these are for you" I left the sunflowers up to Lisa while she takes a sit in the wheelie chair rolling in front of me with more space then necessary and grabs them; thanking me. "I miss these little surprises" She smiles putting it into the bathroom. Possibly putting it into a vase but I highly doubt it in the bathroom. "You could get more of them if you give us another chance?" I dare to say out loud while she walks back slowly; one leg at a time going forwards. "Peter; We can't things have changed" She uses her hands while she talks like she is a pure Italian. I stand up surprising my legs "What things?" She holds her hands to her lips holding pressure that you can see slight red marks as she lets go and then frowns lightly. She reaches her arm out to her nightstand holding the ring I got her. "I gave this to you because I'd thought I was being selfish for keeping it when you could exchange for something else, something better that I had ever given you" Tire's fall down her eyes as I wipe them off her cheeks. "I've loved you and I still do Pete but its not the same that you do; I'm sorry" She pushes her head away slightly. This pain in my chest feels so fucking bad but I need to do what's good for us both even if I don't want it this way. Lisa had gone through heaps of things; her parents separated eight months while her mother  was going through breast cancer and  had abandoned them. Her father found a new lady and had made a new family. "No; you'd given me everything I'd needed" At the same time our family were dealing with the fact that we'd never see Owen again, he'd never had shown signs of distance or unhappiness. He was five years older then I; a brother that loved to surf and make pancakes every second Sunday's because he'd known we'd loved his homemade stuffing's mix for the batter. That was another reason why Mother and Father had divorced. I turn her chin with my fingers to see her dark brown eyes that are now red and glassy. " Keep the ring, I don't want you to forget that you can and will be someone's- -best ever girlfriend--" Even if it wasn't with me my words plays in my mind but she knew what I meant when she nods her head slightly; giving me a small smile and then flicks her hair behind her ear showing that she's pierced it. She leans in for what feels like a goodbye kiss but then she slides her tongue in feeling her warmth twisting in mine. We pull away together as the door opens to Fiona and her friend. Her face appeared startled and her body remained firm in place of the door way but it breaks her trance when her friend squeeze's past her leaving enough of a gap for me to run out of there. Making a whole lot of sense why Lisa and Fiona are friends. Roommates fuck; well that's great.

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