Chapter 1

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The roads were practically deserted at 10:30pm so all that was heard was the gentle hum of her black tesla and her quiet singing as she listened to the radio that was playing quietly. The nearer she got to the small town she was born and raised in, mystic falls, the more anxious she got. she was going to see her family she hadn't seen since Niklaus had called her a traitor almost 500 years ago. She missed them all especially her older sister and role model Rebekah but last Harlow had heard Rebekah had been daggered by Niklaus in 1920...again. Harlow had kept tabs on all of her siblings and had discovered that all but one of her siblings, excluding her and Niklaus, had been daggered "Elijah and Niklaus have always been close." she thought out loud to herself.

500 years ago after Niklaus had called Harlow a traitor and she had shifted into her wolf form, which had surprised her siblings, and had run into the thick woods. The last her siblings had seen of her for 5 centuries was her dirty blonde fur and her colour changing eyes filled with hurt and ,if you looked close enough you could see she was fighting a huge deadly internal battle. She sprinted off into the thick wilderness so fast no vampire could ever hope to catch up with her, not even a a original could catch up with her. When she finally shifted back to her human form she summonded one of her dresses that wasn't as puffy as her other dresses, it was a dark emerald green with a black lace top and silver thread embroderd into small delicate floweres and patterns all over the bottom of the skirt, all over the bodice and the sleeves. Gliding through the small town in England, miles away from where her family was.

Back with the Mikealsons

Her siblings were in chaos. Rebekah was a mess she was crying her heart out and was screaming at Niklaus for calling Harlow a traitor and and she had lost her best friend and only sister, Elijah was worried about his youngest sister and his reading buddy, Kol was on a murder spree a the thought of losing his baby sister and his pranking buddy she was the only one to ever see through any of his perfected 'I don't care' mask, Finn had lost his little sister and his favorite sibling be cause like she could with Kol she could see through any of his masks and Niklaus was feeling extremely guilty for driving his little sister away and for calling her a traitor.

Her car

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Her car

Her outfit for in the car

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Her outfit for in the car

Her dress from the 1600s (I couldn't find one I liked that was from the 1600 or in that style and there wasn't a dress that I could find like what I had described it to look like so if you don't like you can change how it looks

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Her dress from the 1600s (I couldn't find one I liked that was from the 1600 or in that style and there wasn't a dress that I could find like what I had described it to look like so if you don't like you can change how it looks. )

Her make up

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Her make up

Her hair in the car

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Her hair in the car

Her hair in the car

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Hair In the 1600s

I know it's a bit short but I hope you enjoy

445 words

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