Harlow faith mikealson, she was always mikeal's favorite and she always tried to get her siblings out of trouble. She was always closer to finn and rebekah she loved her other siblings especially Henrik, or Henri as she called him, since he was her...
the dinner was as uneventful as it could be with almost all the mikealson siblings. so that meant a lot of yelling, laughter and embarrassing stories being shared.
When Harlow went home it was almost midnight. The youngest Mikaelson went almost straight to bed, she was almost certain she would have a headache the next day but she enjoyed the dinner with her family after five centuries separated it was good to be back together.
"nooooo. Rebekah!" Kol whined when she started telling a particularly embarrassing story to her only sister. "Yessss. Kol!" the older blonde mocked her pouting brother while Finn was shaking his head in amusement, Elijah was chuckling, Niklaus was grinning and Harlow was Laughing quietly at both their exchange and the story. the siblings quitened down and listened to the youngest blonde laugh all smiling gently at the soft sound relishing in the fact she was with them. They were finally a family again.
Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating for ages and for it being such a short chapter but being back at school is very tiring but I'll try to update more to make up for it here's some funny vampire diaries stuff byee
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