Chapter 2

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^^Her outfit and shoes^^

The Mikealson siblings tried to catch up with her but with her wolf speed mixed with her vampire speed they couldnt catch up with her so after running after her for a while they finally admitted defeat and watched as she sped off into the thick, dark forest lit up

only by the moon that shone above as bright as sun and the stars that looked like diamonds twinkling above them the beautiful constellations framing the full moon with looks of defeat and helplessness. After Harlow had left her brother, Niklaus, had daggered all but two of their siblings, not including Harlow or Niklaus, and he tried to lure Harlow with her close friend Abi so he could dagger her as well, but his plan failed because she was suspicious and didnt trust him. None of them thought the next time they would see her would be in 500 years. She had been checking in with her siblings over the years. She saw her older sister fall in love with Stefan Salvatore and how Niklaus had to compel Stefan to forget them as their father had found Elijah, Niklaus and Rebekah again.

Walking through the quiet streets of mystic falls that had changed so much since she had last been there almost 400 years ago. Gliding through the town square listening to Melanie Martinez. Walking into the dark gothic looking building called mystic grill, the smell of the mouthwatering burgers and the delicious curly fries hitting her as soon as she walked in, as she walked in all heads turned to the beautiful amalgamation that walked through the old wooden door confidence and power practically dripping off her. Finally looking over to the door Kol and Niklaus's jaws hit the floor and a huge grin made its way onto Kols lips, standing at the door was their younger sister, Harlow. Feeling the shocked stares of two of her older brothers she turned and walked over to the two shocked brothers and ordered a drink, sitting down next to Kol she gave them a small smile and muttered "hello brothers" fiddling with the hem of her red tartan skirt. Breaking from his trance like state first Kol wrapped her in a hug that reminded her of a koala "Harlow! We missed you so much! I can't believe youre here! Finn and Bex will be so happy to see you again," he rambled out and just hugged her tighter finally letting go after a few minutes of just hugging, she walked over to Niklaus and hugged him, he cautiously wrapped his arms around her and muttered" I'm sorry." it wasnt much but to her it meant the entire world. It meant more than Olympus, it meant more than her life. It was all she had wanted for over 500 years. Silent tears cascading down her beautiful, tan face and onto Niklaus's grey top staining it with tears she could feel his tears wetting her black long-sleeved jumper as well. Kol joined the hug after a few minutes wrapping his arms around them both burying his head in between their heads.

Watching the three siblings interact from across the grill Stefan questioned himself is it really worth tearing their family apart just so they  could kill Klaus and protect Elena, he knew she had been getting closer to Damon the blonde decided it wasnt worth it, he wouldnt be able to deal with it if it was him and Damon so he decided he couldnt do that to the newly reunited family. Sitting next to her boyfriend, Elena was watching in jealousy at all the attention the new girl was attracting deciding it would be a great idea to walk up to the beautiful girl that was just separating from her brothers and tapping her on the shoulder when the girl turned around Elena decided it would be a great idea to slap her. Elena hadnt realized who the other two men were so when her hand collided with the girls face and an angry red hand shaped mark was present on her face her face was thrown to the side because of the surprise and the impact of the hit. Hearing two loud feral growls she backed away quickly and had a look of fear plastered on her face.

After breaking from the hug with two of her brothers Harlow felt a harsh tap on her shoulder, turning around to face the person that was practically dripping with evil intent she was unpleasantly surprised when she felt a slap across her face. Harlow's face snapped to the side and she could feel the hand colliding with her face a couple of seconds after she was slapped. Hearing  two of her most protective brothers feral growls she held her cheek so no-one could see she had healed and used her magic to make it look way worse than it was Stefan could see the swelling and bruising cheek from where he was standing beside Elena trying, and failing, to stop her from slapping the stunning goddess. Running over to the girl at a fast human run at most to check if she was alright while Elena was dealing with two extremely angry original vampires. Once Stefan knew the girl, who he found out to be called Harlow, was alright he went over to Elena and dragged her out of the grill once they were outside, he started screaming at her asking her why she did that to the girl and yelling about how he knew she and Damon were together behind his back. Walking back into the grill the younger vampire walked over to the three originals and apologized about his ex-girlfriends' behavior. Watching her boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, walk back inside the packed restaurant in shock and anger. "How did he find out?" She questioned herself quietly. Listening into the argument the three siblings sniggered as Elena got yelled at by Stefan but felt bad when he said he knew that Elena and Damon had been together behind his back so when he came back into the grill Harlow gave him a tight hug and mumbled a thank you into his shoulder. Hugging the girl who looked to be at most 17 back stefan buried his noes into her hair smiling lightly as he did so. After that whole fiasco and after giving the youngest Salvatore her number Harlow decided that, that was enough excitement for ond day after promising to meet kol tomorrow to go shopping and to have a sibling bonding day for just the two of them she went back to the small bed and breakfast she was staying in. Going up to her room in the house she got changed into her pyjamas and lay down in the soft bed.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I hope you enjoy

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