New Neighbors? (Chapter 3)

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Max's POV

As we're going out of our room. We see the door next to us open as well.

"Hey we should introduce ourselves to the guys next door, I think they're about to go out as well" I say

"uh okay.." says Pj

We're walking to the door next to ours and no one is coming out the door is just open so I take a peak and knock

*knock, knock*
"Hey, we're your new neighbors I'm Max and these are my frien-" I get interrupted by the shock of seeing a couple of girls.

"Oh hi" says one of them "my name is (B/F/N)"

"Dudeee, are we in the wrong place?" says Bobby

The other girl finished putting up a poster and turns around to look at us and I see she turns into a complete tomato for some reason.

"oh no you're in the right place" says  (B/F/N)
"There weren't enough bed in our last dorm so they moved us here..i hope we don't bother" she adds

"You don't bother at alllll" says Bobby to (B/F/N) lifting up his glasses

(B/F/N) blushes

The other girl looks kinda familiar

"And what's your n-name" I say stuttering for some reason

"oh- uh- i- uh-" she stutters as well

"Her name is (Y/N)... shes just shy" says her friend responded for her

I nod. I can't help but notice that (B/F/N) had some skates on and (Y/N) was holding a skateboard.

"You guys skate?" I ask

"Yeah but we're not that good" says (Y/N)

"oh she's too humble sometimes... she could skate in her sleep if she wanted to" says (B/F/N)

"cooool" says Bobby

"we were just about to head out for a skate to the Bean Scene Cafe" says (B/F/N) "care to join us? "

"Sure" I respond

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