Chapter 14

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My eyes opened quickly and Fred threw himself into my arms, Draco sat down next to me and held my hand and I smiled at Elisha. Draco stood up and kissed Elisha's forehead as she looked up at him and smiled. Fred lifted his head off of my chest and we stood up, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, I gently slid my hands through his soft hair and he held me and smiled. "You're amazing Hannah, I love you so much." I leaned my head towards him and kissed him, his soft warm lips made me forget about everyone else in the world, this was where I was supposed to be. He put me down but held me close, pulling me into his body with one hand on my lower back. Fred began to cry and put his head on my shoulder, "I kissed you so much my love, I thought I lost you and that scared me more than anything. Please never leave me again." he sniffed and kissed my head. "I won't leave you bubs... ever."

We all walked up and saw everyone stood at the top of the stairs, I ran over and hugged them all. "Glad you're back Hannah, we need you on our team!" Oliver said squeezing me tighter. "Thanks Oliver, but I can't breathe.." he let go and we both laughed. "Ok, so I'm back so... PARTY IN THE GRIFFINDOR COMMON ROOM AT 9!" I put my arm around Elisha and we high fived, the twins did the same thing. "Wicked!" they said together, we all separated. Neville walked away with Luna, Harry walked to Elisha's dorm to catch up with everything, Ron and Hermione went to the library I'm guessed Hermione was tutoring Ron and me, Fred, George and Draco went to Hogsmeade.

We walked into The Three Broomsticks and sat at the table in the corner, Fred kissed me on the head "I'll go and get us some butterbeers." he nodded at George who stood up and they walked over to the bar. "Hannah, I need help." Draco looked at me scared, "What's wrong?" I rubbed his hand and he looked up at me "I love Elisha so much and I never want to lose her again, I want to propose but I don't know how. Can you help me?" Fred and George came back with the butterbeers and I took a sip, "Well if it was me I'd like to go somewhere that means something to us, and I'd want there to be just like 1 flower that's my favourite and then I'd want a cute little speech and then" I looked at Fred "Erm- to get on one knee and ask me to marry him." I drank a huge gulp of my butterbeer. "That sounds like a great idea thanks Hannah." We sat in the pub for 3 hours just talking about our next epic prank, then we all went back to the castle.

Draco left us and we checked the time, it was 9 so we ran through the corridors the three of us holding hands singing 'Are you bored yet?- Wallows'. When we got to the common room everyone apart from Draco and Elisha where there, Ron pressed a button on the radio Arthur got George after he pestered him for 6 months, 'Promiscuous girl' started playing me, George and Fred started singing all of the words really loudly and Elisha and Draco walked in, he walked straight over to the fire and didn't face anyone. I put my arm around Elisha and looked at her face "Your lipstick is smudged." I smiled and she said "Oh thanks." she wiped it off and Draco turned around. I looked at Draco's neck and then at Elisha and back to Draco before gasping "Ewwwwww! That's disgusting!" they both laughed and Draco wiped the lipstick off of his neck on his robe sleeve. Fred leaned over to me "Can I ask you something? Outside." I nodded and stood up "I'll be one second." we walked out "What's wrong?" he smiled and handed me a small box. "I love you a lot Hannah and I was wondering if you would make it official and be my girlfriend?" I opened the box "Oh and that's a promise ring, it's no big deal." I put the ring on and hugged Fred "Yes you numpty of course I will!" The ring was a small emerald on a silver band. He looked at the ring on my finger "Great well now you have put it on, you can't take it off or I die!" I looked at him and we both laughed.

The next morning an alarm blasted around school, it was Voldemort. He was back and I knew I was the only one that could kill him in a way muggles would kill each other. I told Fred and George they had to "distract him and I'll kill him" they looked at me and nodded "Please be careful darling!" Fred looked at his feet. "I will bubs I love you."

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