Chapter 5

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"Turn to page 394." Snape said in a dismal voice.
"Werewolves?!" Ron said voice quivering and nostrils flared. "We aren't supposed to start nocturnal beasts for another term!" Hermione protested. "394!" Snape said louder than before. He reminded me of my father when he would yell at me to get back into my room and not come out no matter what. I grew to think he was ashamed of me. "What is the difference between a werewolf and an animagus?" Snape said slightly disappointed.
"Draco, can I sit with you please? all of the other seats are taken." I asked as I wondered in late from taking to Professor Lupin. "Sure." He pulled out the seat next to him. "Did you read the note?" I had not "Yep." He could tell I hadn't. "Well read it!" I pulled the note out of my pocket and read it. 'Are you single? Crabbe and Blaise want to know. I'd hate to disappoint my friends.' I looked over at Ron I really liked him and I wanted to stay single in case he asked me to the ball coming up. "No I have a boyfriend." I said trying to hide the fact I was lying. "And who is he?" Draco got over protective as he didn't know who it was and he always wanted to know if I was safe. "None of your business Draco!" I knew what he said meant he cared so I don't know why I didn't just lie to him again. We sat in silence for the rest of the class.

"Ron?" I was going to ask him to the ball but something came over me. "Yes?" He said with hope on his face. I think he knew what I was going to ask. "Erm- I never knew you were scared of spiders that's cool!" That's cool? How is that cool? For Merlins sake Hannah get it together! "Oh erm- Yeah." He looked disappointed and so did I. Elisha came over to us "Hannah. I need to talk to you... alone." I walked off with her "Are you ok? You don't seem yourself." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. She handed me the note and I read it 'Run through the hole next to the Whomping Willow. I'll be waiting for you princess. -SB'
"SB? Is that?" I asked worried for her response. "My dad? Yes. SB Sirius Black." She said almost in tears. "Are you going to go?" I prayed she would say no. "I think I have to. Don't you?" Her voice broke I could tell she was petrified. "Do you want me to come with you?" As if I was going to let her go by herself. "Yes please."

It was 9PM and we made our way to the Whomping Willow. We ducked and weaved our way past it's branches brutal blows until we reached the tunnel, we both dropped down and followed it until we came out at the Shrieking Shack. Elisha whispered to me "Stay behind this door, I don't want him to know you're here." so I slid behind the door and stayed quiet. "Ahhh princess. I have missed you so much. I would have come back sooner if not for him!" he pointed to a chair and as I looked through the crack of the door it was Ron sitting there. "And now I'm going to have to kill him!" He beckoned. I ran out and jumped infront of Ron "NO! I'm sorry Sir but you can't kill Ron. Please." I started to cry and Ron leaned forwards and held me "I can't believe you jumped infront of me." He whispered into my ear and then kissed my forehead. "Of course I did."
"Not him you fool. His rat!" Me and Ron looked at each other confused. "Scabbers?" We said in unison like Fred and George. "That my boy is no rat. It's Peter Petigrew." Sirius said annoyed we stopped him from killing the rat. "But isn't he dead?" Harry burst in. "Harry. Harry Potter. You have your mothers eyes." Sirius lowered his wand that he was previously pointing at Scabbers and hugged Harry. "Erm- Sir? What about the rat?" I asked however regretted it knowing Ron was going to hate me. "Sorry Ron." I said looking at him. "It's ok I want to know what this lunatic is on about too!" He looked at Sirius "That rat was the person who killed your parents Harry. Not me." He shot Scabbers with a spell and he turned into exactly who Sirius said he was... Peter Petigrew. "Whoah! Ron- You have been sleeping with a fully grown man!" I burst into laughter "FOR 13 YEARS!!" Harry added joining in with the laughter. "Shut up! I don't know! Bloody hell." He said mortified.

After 10 minutes of letting Peter explain we all decided not to kill him and to let the dementors get him instead. So we all headed back to the castle. "Sorry about Scabbers Ron." I said feeling sorry for him even though it was sort of funny. "It's ok I guess. Hannah, can I ask you something?" He looked up at me and smiled a sweet welcoming smile. "Of course Ron anything." I smiled back hoping he would ask me to go to the ball with him. "Erm- D-Do you want to erm- go to the Y-Yule ball with me?" he stuttered. "I was hoping you would ask. Yes!" I turned to tell Elisha but her Harry and Sirius were talking and I didn't want to interrupt. We got back to Hogwarts and all went straight up to our dorms as it was getting very late.

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