Chapter 5

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Two days went by, by the time Mipha could get fire wood. She and Link had had to keep each other warm, huddled against one another.

Every once and a while she would peak out and try to see if her soldiers returned, but no luck yet. Mipha was eventually able get a fire going once the storm finally calmed down and went hunting for food.

Meanwhile Link rested, although he was still feverish he wasn't as bad as when she'd first found him. He could obviously speak a little, but still couldn't walk well, without tipping to one side, as if dizzy all the time.

Mipha and Link would sit next to each other by the fire and the horses would relax in the cave with them while they waited on the Zora Princess's platoon to finally come back.

"They should've been back by now." Mipha muttered, pacing in the cave, kicking loose gravel. Link shrugged not sure how to respond to her anxiety.

"Should...we maybe head in the direction of Kakariko?" She asked aloud, spitballing ideas. Link raise an eyebrow at her....a tired looking eyebrow, but she could tell what he was trying to communicate.

"Your right...probably not the best idea, given your condition." Mipha sighed, glancing out of the cave for what felt like the thousandth time.

Mipha went over gave Link a cup of water, trying to distract herself from their situation. 'Maybe I should go off to Kakariko.' She thought, glancing over at Link anxiously, but disregarded the thought, feeling awful for it in the first place.

"Link?" Mipha said, an idea coming to her. "I'm going to get stay-." She began but something made a large snapping sound echoing in the distance as the wind started calming down, making them both jump.

Link gave her an inquisitive look, the sound having spooked them.  Mipha glanced towards the cave mouth, wondering what that was.

Link attempted to get up, then collapsed against the cave wall. Mipha looked back at him. "I'll take care of it." The Zora Princess said, grabbing her Trident as another big snap echoed in through the woods, closer this time.

Mipha noticed the wind was continuing to die down, making noises a bit louder. 'Now the wind decides to die down?' She thought as she crept toward the entrance of the cave, sure whatever it was was headed this way.

Her shoulders tensed, preparing for a possible fight, feeling the cold metal of her weapon n her grip. The third and snaps came even closer to the cave, she felt sweat form on her palm.
Mipha looked back at Link still leaning against the wall, an intensity on his face despite the paleness and flushed cheeks. There was a quiet understanding between them and in the cave, making the air feel intense.

The Zora Princess sighed a breath of the cold air, a puff in the wind. The creature took its sweat time coming towards the cave. Neither Champion spoke, not wanting to give themselves away.

Mipha noticed the sounds started to sound like footsteps and not just tree branches also sounded heavy. 'Pleas just be a bear! Please just be a bear!' She thought, her mind racing.

She wanted to check on Link, but she knew he was fine  as whatever it was Lumbered towards them.

Finally whatever it was came into view and made Miphas heart freeze.

It was a Hinox


"Lin, stay back." Mipha ordered in a whisper as the giant came closer in peripheral vision. The monster was completely unaware of the two Champions in the cave and Mipha wanted to keep it that way.

Her plan was to surprise attack it so it would focus on her and not see Link. She swallowed anxiously and prepared herself to step out of the cave.

She heard slight movement behind her and turned her head to see the Hylian Champion attempting to move closer to her as if he could protect her.

She put up her hand. "Stay there." Mipha commanded using her Princess voice. Links shoulders slumped and gave her a concerned look.

"I'll be fine...I promise." She told him , trying to give him some kind of relief, the creature lumbering about five or ten feet away from them.

Mipha took her first tentive step into the snow, trying to make as light of sounds as possible, attempting to sneak up on the monster.

The Hinox had its back turned and Mipha felt she could take advantage of the monster having turned. She was a few feet away and almost upon the creature.

The only problem was how to take it down by herself...she could stab it from behind, but she felt like that wouldn't be too effective.

Mipha thought for a minute trying to decide what to do before the creature turned around. Then she caught sight of Link who was pointing.

She squinted at him and then turned to look at the direction he was pointing: up at the trees. Mipha looked over at the Hinox who still thankful hadn't turned around.

The Zora Princess nodded; she wasn't an experienced climber, but she knew how to climb at least.

As quietly as she could, she scaled up the tree closest to the monster and picked a thick branch to crouch on.

On the way up, she'd made the Hinox turn around- but not at her, thank Hylia- when she accidentally snapped a lighter branch.

Mipha relaxed her tense body, trying to get a good aim at the monster and took a quick look at Link before she did so to make sure he wasn't getting involved; so far he was just tensely leaning against the cave wall.

The Zora Princess raised her arm and leapt onto the Hinox's back


Miphas Trident landed firmly into the nape of the Hinoxs neck, sinking into its thick flesh. The Hinoxs shoulders tensed like it was bitten by a misquote and moved it's arm to whack Mipha off of him.

The Zora Princess went flying through the air on the impact from the creatures hand, landing hard in the snow, enough to make her feel nauseous. 'That'll probably be a concussion.' She thought dizzily, ears ringing.

The Henox turned slowly wondering what had attacked him and saw Mipha flat on the ground. The monster started lumbering toward her.

Mipha, more worried about Link than herself at this point, looked to the cave again and swore under her breath.

Link had his bow and arrow ready although he was incredibly shaky and looked like it took him almost too much effort to lift it. He aimed it at the Hinox.

Mipha shook her head, but Link could see her head movement. Got up, a wave of nausea coming over her, but she tried to distract the big guy anyway, running over in it's direction to distract it from Link.

She needed to get her Trident back from where it was stuck in the Hinoxs neck. The monster followed her movements, not noticing Link at all as she made loud noises. 'Hopefully it doesn't attract anyone else.' She thought.

All of a sudden the Hinox lurched backward, as if struck, making Mipha pause and look up. She swore under her breath:

Link had come out of the cave, his bow in his hand as he swayed dangerously and tried to balance himself against the cave wall and collapsed onto his knee.

The monster turned, seeing Link out of the cave. It started heading toward the Champion who didn't see the  Hinox lumbering towards him.

"Link!" Mipha shouted as she stood, not sure what to do without her Trident. Link looked up, and fumbled with an arrow, hands shaking as a wave of coughing over came him.

Mipha ran, trying to catch up with the Hinox, but she was too late:

The creature reached its big hand down and grabbed Link around the middle, picking him up as if planning to eat him.

Link cried out in pain as the Hinox squeezed and Mipha could hear a soft crack in the now quiet forest.
Mipha looked up and Link was passed out in the Hinox hand, Miphas fear spiking.

Links Champion: MiphaWhere stories live. Discover now