Give me all ya got.-Chapter 6

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Strade looked at Khloe with no really readable expression. He merely stepped aside, allowing her in. To which she graciously took the offer and stepped in.

Hanging her navy blue coat on the coat rack next to the door, she looked over to Strade. Although she was smiling warmly, her eyes seemed to dare him to even move in a way she deemed wrong. "How's the whole red rooming business going? I hear you have a new piggy with you." She inquired.

"Ah. It's...It's been going alright. I guess." He dismissively stated before reaching into his britches and pulling out a curved yellow berry. One might call them banana, I call them Daddy, but that's a story for another day. Nevertheless, Strade chomped down onto that bad boy with the peel still on it, might I add.

That put Khloe off slightly, but she kept her composure even though every bone in her body was screaming for her to attack Strade and rip that banana out of his grubby little tiny rodent hands. Yes, all 206 bones that made up her skeletal system were all in attack mode. She was right on edge that day as she was actually pretty close friends with the tiny little man who had been chained up in Strade's little basement there so she had reason to be quite rather upset in a lot of ways.

"Ah..Yeah, About that. How's the new  one?" She asked between clenched teeth, Although Strade didn't seem to really notice how tense the other brunette was as he was preoccupied with eating his Daddy- I mean Banana.

"Strade?" She asked with a tinge of worry in her voice as she shoved Strade back into the living room with force.

"Hm? Oh yeah. The new one. Quite a fighter that one is, he holds some type of immunity to forgetting his name though." Strade explained to Khloe as he dropped his banana and pulled out a bat, Bat as not in baseball bat but the flying mammal. From where, you might ask? You don't want to know. Okay fine. Strade pulled it out from behind his ear. He's magical. Just accept it.

Strade flung the bat at Khloe and she swiftly dodged. She smiled warmly and barrel rolled into the kitchen where she began routing through his shit. In one of his cabinets, she found a swarm of angry bees. Those of which she chucked at her unstable  G e r m a n  friend.

"How's he behaving..? Daniel told me you had him fix up some type of robot thing to keep him company down there. You never ask for things for them before." Khloe pointed out, as she started boiling water to make tea for herself.

"Ah yeah. Well, He's not like the others. " He started, as he escaped the bees and was attempting to wack the back of the other brunette's head with a blunt object. One of which I will not disclose because I want you to use your imagination.

Of course, because my best friend is incredibly cool, she dodged it and with her fast ass reflexes, she managed to dump the water she was boiling for her tea onto Strade. Somehow that didn't really affect him all that much as he continued on with his sentence.

"He is held captive here, Yes. But not to be one of my redrooms or anything like that. I need to figure out why he's like how he is." he finished

The German furrowed his brow and dashed into the living room where he reached under the couch for a gun he always kept there. As he put it; "Ya never know when the aliens are going to take over and you need a gun."

He pulled the gun out from under the couch and aimed it at Khloe.

He fired several rounds at her to which Khloe just stood there watching the bullets bounce off of her knit gray sweater. That day, she was smart enough to have worn bulletproof armor underneath her clothes. Other days when she had civil conversations with Strade and the German man pulled the gun...Ehhhh, Let's just say it was a while before Khloe could have civil conversations with Strade for a while

"Ah. How long ya plannin' to keep him around..?" She asked thoughtfully, picking up Strade in a  bridal way and walked up the stairs. The stairs groaned at the combined weight of the two brunettes.

"As long as it takes to figure out what he is," He started before pulling a raygun out of his pants. But alas, he was too late. By the time he was ready to shoot Khloe with the Raygun, Khloe had dropped him at the top of the stairs, letting him tumble all the way down.

Strade groaned as he stood back up, gripping his shoulder. He shot a disgusted glare at Khloe. "What the fuck man?? I thought we agreed to not do things with the stairs after what happened with my Grandmother." He muttered a few curses under his breath as he trotted away with a sour look on his face.

Khloe snickered lightly at how much of a three year old Strade looked like and also at what she had done. Yeah, it might have been rude but right now she was rather cross with Strade.

She jogged down the stairs and followed Strade, watching him angrily sit on the couch, pouting and viciously chewing his bottom lip as if to keep himself from letting loose a slew of cuss words so violent it could shake the entire house.

The brunette girl saw this as the perfect opportunity to break loose from Strade and investigate the basement. "Hey! Angry German Weirdo! I'm gonna go use the bathroom now, you stay there and pout, okay??" She hollered over to his to which he simply muttered, "Okay."

Quickly, Khloe dashed over to the basement door and opened it slowly, aware of how squeaky the hinges were. Once it was open enough to sneak through, she squeezed herself past the door and onto the staircase. Gingerly, she stomped down the stairs, catching Lucas's attention and the two met eyes.

Lucas had been straining to hear what all the ruckus upstairs was, his brow was furrowed as he struggled to identify the voice he had not heard in the house before. After a few minutes and it grew harder and harder to hear the two, One of which he knew was Strade, he sighed in defeat and clicked his tongue as he looked around at his surroundings. He'd taken up finding spiders in different corners of the basement and naming them. A few times he cried when his favorite spiders got into a fight and Antoine died.

When the voices got closer, practically on top of him, Lucas still couldn't make out the words but he certainly could hear the bulking, 5''8 German-Canadian man topple down the stairs, making dust from the ceiling explode in a puff when Strade collided with the floor above his workbench.

Lucas flinched. After a few minutes and Lucas thought Strade and the unidentified girl had stopped whatever it was they were doing. He kept his ear out just in case something more were to happen.

Suddenly, he heard bulking stomps trample clumsily down the stairs. He was sure it wasn't Strade because he had memorized Strade's footsteps, as he had nothing better to do. No, this must have been the girl with Strade.

He looked up quickly, making eye contact with the second brunette. For a second, he assumed her to be a female relative of Strade until he got a better look.


(Wow this is short.


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We met at a Bar - A Lucas and Strade storyWhere stories live. Discover now