Cracking. - Chapter 5

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"Ohhh, I hate it here, I wanna go home....FUCK IT HERE!!!" Lucas angrily yelled as he banged the back of his head against the pole he'd been tied to for several days. He kicked his legs and puffed out his cheeks. It had gotten extremely boring just sitting there for hours on end with nothing better to do than scream about how you hate the place you've been stuck for a little over a week. Ren had not come back down to the basement in a few days but it was alright as he had left an abundance of snacks.

Sadly, snacks did not make up for the extreme amount of loneliness the boy had to undergo. He was so bored he had even entertained the idea of yelling and pleading for Strade to come down to the basement to pay him a little visit. Of course, He had enough pride to keep himself from doing something as humiliating as that, But still,he had entertained that idea for a while nonetheless. Although, who knows. Perhaps out little Lucas here might, after all go through with asking for Strade's company. Only time will tell. And as such, let's leave it to time.

Well that was a stupid line to close that paragraph on and I apologize because if I added a certain amount of words than each paragraph I wrote would each be one hundred words and it was too tempting an offer for me to pass up. Anywho, Lucas sat and stared at the ceiling and prayed that something cool would happen. Minutes passed, it could have been an hour, who knows? but his prayers would be answered as large, bulking stomps marched down the rickety staircase leading from the upstairs to the basement, and Lucas looked at his captor.

He looked worse than Lucas remembered. Strade's shirt was winkled and it hadn't looked like he had slept in weeks as his normally wide eyes were now like...three sizes smaller. No wait that would look terrifying. Like a size or two smaller than the normal wide eye'd Strade we know. And his usually cheshire cat like grin was replaced with a downcast frown. This was unusual for Strade, he was normally a happy go lucky German man, but this sudden change in attitude has interested Lucas and he wanted to know more.  ".....Is.....Is everything okay..?" He mustered the courage to speak.

Strade looked down at Lucas and smiled slightly. "Heh, so he talks.." He commented before getting a little closer and sitting next to him. "Going to be honest, I thought I'd have to force you to speak like I did last time." He shrugged and winced, remembering the fright he had given the poor boy, chained up in his basement. A sudden wave of guilt crashed over him as he realized how much of an ass he must have seemed like. Now this surprised Strade as he never felt sympathy for his victims. he just did what he did and didn't care.

So what was so special about Lucas that made him so captivated by him? What was so alluring about the boy that he couldn't help but feel sorry for all the things he had done? Sorry for taking him away from his living situation, keeping him in his basement like an animal all caged up...And even giving him quite a fright after Lucas refused to speak. Strade felt like a monster for what he did. Strangely...He only felt like a monster for what he did to Lucas, and not for what he'd donw to so many others who ended up in his captivity.

"I asked you a question.." Lucas stated rather bluntly, as he looked up and into Strade's golden, sad eyes. He winced at the unusual expression before sighing and blowing a piece of hair out of his face. "Is everything okay?" He repeated his question.  Strade gave a small, sad smile and asked; "Would you rather the truth, or the slightly more comforting lie..?"                                       Lucas looked confused for a second but shrugged and asked for the former.

To which surprised Strade. Why would Lucas want to know the truth about how he was feeling? Strade was like that of a monster with what he does to people and after all...After all he had done, why exactly did Lucas feel inclined to inquire on how he was feeling? Was it human nature to be concerned about another's feelings. Possibly. I wouldn't know, I'm not human.

We met at a Bar - A Lucas and Strade storyWhere stories live. Discover now