Surfaced feelings - Chapter 7

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  Khloe smirked proudly, "In the flesh kid." she proclaimed as she stepped closer to Lucas, her smirk turning into more of a pitying smile as she knelt down to the boy she was best friends with back in her juvenile days.

Yes, she was still good friends with him but their conversations grew less and less frequent as Khloe now had a job and responsibilities, and as for Lucas, school was consuming a lot of his time.   

It'd been so long, Khloe had to resist the urge to ask Lucas questions like how he had been doing and what was happening in his life. But, she remembered exactly where they were and why she drove all the way from where ever the hell she was before to this little part of Massachusetts.

She knew she had to hold in her urges as right now was no time for chit chat. Right now she was focused on one thing and one thing only. Saving her friend.

Lucas slightly bounced with joy.

"Khloe!! It's been so long!! I know AJ hangs out with you a lot and so does Daniel but we haven't really had time to catch up ourselves! How are things? I remember seeing you one time buying a pack of cigarettes. You know, Smoking is really bad for your lungs." Lucas smiled, seeming to forget the current situation he and his friend were in and focused mostly on making small talk with his friend.

The brunette girl was having none of it as she quickly clasped her hand onto Lucas's mouth.

"Look Lucas, as much as I'd love to talk about how I'm doing and what's been going on in life and other profound bullshit, We have to get out of here." She crouched down next to Lucas and yanked on the rope Lucas was bound to the pole to, Leaving marks on the boy's wrists.

"Owww." He gritted his teeth.

"Shut it. You can take a bit of pain to get out of here." Khloe rolled her eyes as she thought about ways to break the rope. 'Garden Shears could work. Maybe Strade has some down here?' Khloe thought to herself as she stood up and looked around the basement.

There were nails, hammers, drills, nail guns, various knives, bones, cocaine, anime figurines, and other things cluttered on Strade's work bench, but as much as Khloe looked she couldn't find any garden shears.

She pounded her fist against the wall in anger but quickly scolded herself as to not make much noise as Strade could hear her from upstairs.

"Looks like we're gonna have to go old school." she sighed and picked up a buck knife on the bench. She walked over to Lucas who was slightly nervous of the sharp object in his friend's hands, as well as the angered expression on her face.

Before he had the chance to ask any questions, Khloe sat down next to Lucas, grabbing the rope and preparing to saw away at the more stronger twine. 

Just when she was about to cut loose the rope that had kept Lucas in place for the weeks prior, She and the boy heard loud stomps coming closer and closer to the basement door.

Khloe panicked and shot a worried glance to her friend. Lucas could only look back at her, too frightened to say anything, but he hoped he could send across his message by the look in his eyes.

The brunette girl shook her head to snap herself back into reality as she dove behind the staircase, making sure her entire body was hidden. Once she was sure she wouldn't be seen, she focused on regulating her breathing as to be as quiet as she possibly could muster up to be.

She knew she'd be capable of doing that and acting like nothing was wrong, But Lucas? She wasn't so sure. She prayed that if he was indeed caught, he was wonderful at making up excuses as to why he was sweating so heavily and why his breathing pattern was so jagged.

We met at a Bar - A Lucas and Strade storyWhere stories live. Discover now