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Hello dear reader! 🙋🏽‍♀️   

Thank you for taking a chance on Allison Swan. With all the fascinating stories to bury your nose in, I literally appreciate you sparing time to explore my little creation.

Firstly, this is a pure work of fiction. Every detail illustrated here are of no resemblance to actuality. If it turns out, it's merely a 100% coincidence.

Now, this being my very first book, foresee that English not being my first language🙍🏽‍♀️, I do little in using grammatical touch ups, although I am trying. So do bear with me people!😉

I also want to address that these being my drafts, grammatical errors are bound to occur. Please do well to notify or correct me dear. 💙

Less I forget, while constructive criticism is allowed and well appreciated, rudeness is completely rebuked. It's not necessary.

Then again, I resent any form of plagiarism. It's saddening for writers to toil and create a masterpiece and a plagiarist uses it to obtain credits.
Therefore, under no circumstance should this story be pirated. I plead to be alerted if it falls in such case. 🙏🏽

In Conclusion...
Thank you for bearing with me so far love.
Be sure to tap the stars🌟 to vote and comment 💬 as much as it pleases you. It also will be much appreciated to invite your friends to read along with you.😉

Love ~ The_Raven_Writer

Major Characters
•Allison Swan
•Ryan Anderson
•Bryan Anderson

Minor Characters
•Miss May Elizabeth
•Petra Bradshaw
•Antonia Ellison
•Damien James

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