Chapter Fourteen - Skeletons

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Prem's Point of View

"My brother was gay," he revealed, "and your father was the only man he ever loved."

His words hit me like a bullet train, and before I knew it, my eyes misted up, a lump formed in my throat, and my breath was gone.

I felt overwhelmed, stunned, speechless, and frozen by the mere fact that I didn't know my father after all.

"My father, was in a relationship with a man?" I managed to finally find my voice.

"Yes." Boun's father confirmed. "They were very much in love." I could hear the sadness in his voice, "but it just wasn't meant to be for them."

This couldn't be true. Could it? My father loved my mom immensely. She was the center of his entire world. Which meant my father may not have been gay, but bisexual, maybe demi or pans.

Maybe he didn't see gender, only love.

I thought I knew everything about my parents, I was wrong. 

"Your dad and my brother met in high school; your dad was very intelligent." This I already knew; he was valedictorian of his class. "My parents hired him to tutor my brother who was failing at the time."

"I see." Was all I could say.

"My parents found out about the relationship after discovering a stash of love letters written by your father hidden in his room." Boun's father leaned forward and clasped his hands together, "I was home from college when they confronted my brother, they called him such horrid names, I can't even bring myself to repeat them." He shook his head, "they told him that he was bringing shame upon the family, that how he felt was unnatural." 

Boun's uncle was only seventeen when he ended his life. I can't even imagine how painful it was to hear such vicious words coming from your own parents.

"My parents confronted your father the next day. I was eavesdropping...I heard the whole thing. Afterwards your dad ended the relationship without explanation."

"What?" I exclaimed, "Did they threaten my father?"

"More or less, you don't need to know the details."

"Yes, I do!" I yelled.

Boun's father began to shake his head.

"I do not wish to taint his image, and I fear I already have." He told me remorsefully.

"Just tell me!" I demanded with tears in my eyes, "how did they convince my dad?"

Tense and taut, with the tight lips, it was obvious Boun's father was holding back pertinent information that may cause me to look or feel differently about my own father.

"Please." I pleaded, as I started to sob.

"Prem, before I tell you this, please understand the position your father was in and why he agreed to break up with my brother."

"There is nothing that would make me leave your son!" I screamed furiously, "a person could've slandered me, outed me, I still wouldn't care! There's no excuse!"

"What if your family was poor and your mother was dying?" He countered, "And her only means of survival"

My grandmother had been ill for years, she died when Waan and I were young, but she had the best around the clock care, and a nurse that actually lived with her. My dad would tell us had it not been for that, she would've died long ago. It all made sense now.   

"Your grandfather was deceased and your grandmother was far too ill to work, your dad did not come from a wealthy family, it's the main reason why he was tutoring my brother in the first place, in exchange for paying off your grandmother's medical bills, and providing her with the best at homecare until her death, your father would have to end his relationship with my brother but was prohibited from telling him why."

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