Bashing My First Fanganronpa Because I Can

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Uhh, so I'm going to bash (and fix) everything I hate about my first Fanganronpa which I mentioned last chapter. By fix, I mean explain how past me could have done things better.

(I may or may not be writing this chapter to procrastinate.)

So, starting off, I just want to address the absolute 💩 that is apparently called the Prologue. It just cuts right into the killing with the introductions we love so much. Like, I know I made a chapter saying what their talents were but, that's not the same as introducing the cast.

Now, I'll give you a quick briefing of our cast.

Cody- The bland protagonist that I mentioned. His talent is only brought of once into the entire story, so we know how important it is. 

Athena- Basically Mikan, except she's an apprentice (I think?). 

Taylor (or Tay)- She kinda has the personality of a team captain. But she's the Ultimate Harpy because the transition from a magic and fantasy based Roleplay to Danganronpa doesn't really go well.

Skyler (Sky)- The super nice guy who just wants everyone to get along. He's a peacekeeper.

Enoja- He's a mercenary with almost no personality. 

Cho- She's a baker who tries to see the good in everyone (even if there's is none). She also has a t h i c c southern accent. 

Zoey- I think she was a body guard. She has a Peko-ish type personality, except she has no master or a designated person to protect. 

Neo- He's an *sshole with some trust issues that never get explained. He's also lazy and refuses to actually help in the class trials. Oh and he's a wizard. 

Hailey (or Hail)- Basically that genderswapped trans Kokichi head canon that got birthed into a magical/fantasy OC that was then inserted into a killing game. She's the Ultimate Accomplice. Oh, and she's technically the antagonist but she never actually did anything other than make Cody think a little harder in the class trials.

Lola- She's like a mix of Ibuki, Gonta, and Himiko's personalities. She very nice, buy doesn't always know what's going on. Also, she's the Ultimate Origami Artist.

Jamie- Perfect calm and collected nerd boyfriend material. His talent is being a bookworm.

Erin- B*tch. She's mean to pretty much everyone, and is Cody's 1st cusion. She's a scientist.

Gavin- Nice short flower boy, who is very precious and we must protect him at all costs. He's a gardener.

Dexter- He's the Ultimate Alcoholic because apparently he has drinking problem, but it's never actually addressed in the story. His personality is also no existent.

Bonnie- She was supposed to be like a Miu knockoff, but instead she became another character with basically no personality. She's either a surgeon or a plastic surgeon.

Kai- I literally forgot she existed until just now. She's a fencer, or whatever. Also, she swears a lot and is kinda clueless on everything that happens. Very forgettable as well.

 So, the prologue ends with Cody just looking through everyone's information in the JenPad (basically an e-handbook).

Chapter 1 starts off with everyone getting the first motive. Basically, everyone has committed a crime, and you get pardoned for it if you commit a murder. 

Apparently the cast has  already explored the place, so they give a recap of everything they've found. They thendecide to nominate Taylor as like their leader, solely because three people thinks she's cool. (I'm serious. Only three people said they wanted her to be the leader, and everyone else just went along with it without question.)

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