I'm Not Throwing Away My Shot

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I think I may have found away to bypass all the screen time stuff. But... It comes at a cost. A costly cost.

My dad said something along the lines,"If you have something you did and your proud of it, you should show it us so that we know that's what your doing."

He's talking about my writing, by the way.

And, I probably would show my parents what I write of didn't contain:

- LGBTQ+ characters

- Swearing/Cursing

That's it. Those are the two no-no's when it comes to my parents and my original writing. (I would never show my parents fanfiction.)

Considering all of this, I need to write something original and within their guidelines that doesn't fall flat after a period of time. (Normally, when I write something specifically for my parents to read trying to show them I actually do write in my spare time, I end giving up or discontinuing after awhile because I just lose interest in it because of the guidelines I'm trying to follow.)

But, if I manage to pull this off this time (I actually have tried to do this before, but both times failed), then I could get the screen time and just general time I need to continue on with my online works.

So, uh, yeah. I'll being forcing myself to think up a plot and an entire story in a very short span of time in order to get more time to write. 

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