Chapter 4: Not Going Back

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Thomas' POV:

I was upstairs in my room, doing my math homework, when I heard the doorbell ring. I put down my papers and thumped my way down the stairs. I opened the door and I was shocked and horrified at what I saw. It was Newt with blood dripping from his nose, a bruise on his wrist and a bruise on his cheekbone. "Tommy," he said in a small, trembling voice. That snapped me out of my shocked state. "Newt," I yelled. He started to fall and I caught him. I held him as he was starting to slip out of consciousness. "Newt! C'mon what happened?" I said. I kept calling his name but his eyes slowly fluttered shut. I was panicking on the inside and I checked his pulse. Newt didn't have a chance to tell me what happened so I didn't know what to do. I picked him up, bridal style, and carried him to the couch. Once I laid him down I ran into the kitchen and got an ice pack for his cheek. When I got back to him I set his head in my lap and lightly pressed the ice pack to his cheek. After a few minutes his eyes opened and he slowly woke. "Hey," I said quietly. Newt didn't say anything but tears welled up in his eyes. "Shh, don't cry," I said soothingly. I decided I should probably give him a few minutes before I asked what happened to him. "Are you hungry? Do you want water?" "Water, please," he said, his voice weak. I nodded and got him a glass of water. He took a sip, his hands shaking, and a tear slipped from his eye. I wasted no time in wiping it away. "Can you tell me what happened now?" I asked though I had a pretty good idea of who did this. He hesitated and grimaced, then said, "I guess you already put two and two together so I guess I can tell. I came home late and my dad started to beat me." His voice started to shake and I slid my arm around him. "He grabbed my wrist and punched me. Then he hit my head and he kicked me in the side. " He had started to cry now. "So I ran away. Here." Once he finished I wiped the tears from his eyes and I pulled him in for a kiss. I was livid on the inside, though. I was furious that his own father would do this to him. "How long has this been going on?" I asked trying to keep the anger out of my voice. "Since I was five," he said tearfully. "And you never told anyone?" I asked incredulously. "Tommy, he said he would kill me if I said anything. And I believed him. He's done worse." I hugged Newt and he cried into my shirt, knotting his hands in it. "Newt, look at me," I said. He looked up at me with a tear-stained face and sniffled. "You are not going back there," I said sternly. "I don't want to. Anywhere he is, is a living hell for me," he replied with a dark tone in his voice. I cupped my hands around his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He wrapped his small arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I licked his bottom lip and his lips parted, showing me it was okay to go on. He sighed and lightly moaned into my mouth as our tongues explored each other's mouths. After our heated little makeout session, we had to break apart for air. Newt's cheeks were flushed and his lips were slightly kiss-swollen. He touched his forehead to mine and I wanted this moment to last forever. After laying there for a few moments, the doorbell sounded and there was a loud, rather obnoxious knock on the door. "I should probably go answer that," I sighed. I got up from my comfortable position on the couch and went to the door. I was greeted by a beefy, muscular man that had a scowl etched on his face. "Can I help you?" I questioned with a quirked eyebrow. "I'm looking for my son," he said in a gruff voice. "Um, just gimme a sec, kay?" I said quickly. I ran back to newt, who had a terrified expression on his face and he was trembling. He must've heard the man talking. "So I'm guessing he's your dad?" I asked quietly. He nodded, tears pricking in the corner of his eyes. I ran back to the door. ""Yeah, I haven't seen him," I said in the most convincing voice I could muster. He smiled but his brown eyes held an icy coolness. "Thank you. Let me know if you see him. I live a few blocks down the street." I said goodbye and made sure to lock the door when he left. I ran back to Newt who was shivering and blinking back tears. What did his dad do to him? His pale skin contrasted greatly with the purpling bruise on his cheek. I quietly sat down next to him and cupped his cheek in my hand. His deep, brown eyes trailed to mine. They didn't look like his eyes though, normally bright and cheery. They looked haunted and sorrowful, as if he'd watched someone die right in front of him. We didn't even have to say anything and we both leaned in to kiss. The kiss was slow and passionate and we savored the moment. Once we had broken apart, we were both staring at each other with a look that was more than just fondness in our eyes. "I'm never going to let you go back there," I said firmly. "I know. You said that before. And now I don't have to." "I love you, Newt." He smiled, making my heart melt, and said, "I love you too." We moved so he was laying against my chest and I had my arms wrapped around his waist. It was silent for awhile, until I said, "we should go somewhere together. Like for food or something." "Why, Tommy, are you asking me to go on a date with you?" he questioned playfully. "Maybe," I said smiling slyly. "Alright then. When will we go on this date?" he asked. "How about tomorrow?" "Sounds perfect," he said before pecking my cheek. I caught his lips on mine and the kiss intensified. Let's just say it was probably the best ten minutes of my life I've had so far.

A/N: I'm so so so sorry this took so long. I've been slacking and I feel horrible but I've been having family problems so I didn't feel like writing. But I promise that I will start to make more frequent updates because so many people have seen this story and are expecting better. Thank you for the compliments and not giving up on this. Love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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