Chapter 2: On My Mind

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A/N This is the second chapter! If there's anything you want added then I would love a comment! Enjoy! 😀
Thomas' POV:

I couldn't focus in class. At all. My thoughts kept wandering back to Newt, the angelic, British boy whom I may love. This doesn't feel like some stupid, high school fling either. It felt different. It felt more passionate even though I've only known him since this morning, but he might be my only source of love in this world. When lunch finally rolled around, I took a seat at a mostly empty table and ate. As I was lost in thought, a familiar voice spoke up from behind me. "Anyone sitting here?" Newt asked politely. "Nope, I'm all yours," I replied cheerfully. He actually wants to talk to me again. Huh. So how was class?" I asked. "Incredibly boring," he replied in his light voice. His dark brown eyes were captivating, somehow, and his thin pink lips were quirked into a smile. His hair- "Um, Tommy, you're drooling a bit there," Newt said with a small grin. Shit. Was I really drooling? I wiped the side of my mouth and found what he said was true. "Sorry! I-um-," Newt interrupted my rant there. He was giggling. "It's fine, really. It was actually kind of cute." He said the last part quietly, as if he didn't want me to hear. On the inside I was screaming and shouting. OMG HE CALLED ME CUTE! I quickly composed myself and got a brilliant idea. "Hey, I know you haven't known me for that long, but wanna come over to my house?" I rushed out. Newt's face immediately brightened and he replied,"Sure! Is it okay if I walk home with you?" "Yeah, I don't have anything I need to do, so why not?" I said. "Meet at the main entrance?" he asked. "Yeah see you there!" And with that the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. We said our good byes and headed off to our different classes.

Finally, at the end of the day, I saw Newt walking towards me across the bright, green lawn. He looked perfect, to say the least. "Ready to go?" I asked. "Yep," he answered happily. As we walked down the sidewalk I had the burning urge to hold his hand. Instead I engaged in conversation. "So why'd you move to Florida?" I inquired. "My dad got a well-paying job here," he responded. Something in his voice changed when he said "dad". I let it go because it was probably nothing. We made small talk for a while until we arrived at my house. I had an upscale house with modern black and white furniture. Everything was clean and slightly lemon scented because of the maid that comes by every other day. My mom was gone, per usual, so we had the house to ourselves. We went up to my room and talked some more and popped in a movie. I didn't think anyone else liked Titanic. "So, where are your parents Tommy?" Newt questioned. "My mom works late almost everyday and my dad- well I don't know where he is," I replied. "What about you?" "Well, my mum died in a car crash when I was five, and my dad doesn't really like me very much to say the least," he answered somewhat bitterly. This made me sad. Newt seemed like a wonderful person and didn't deserve that at all. But what he said about his dad made me suspicious. "In what way does your dad not like you? Why?" I asked. "Can't say," he replied quickly. I nodded, but I was going to pry later. I didn't care if I was being nosy, if he was being hurt then I needed to know about it. "Hey, Tommy, can I tell you something?" Newt asked. "Yeah, anything," I answered. "I like you. Like, a lot."

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