Letter 1

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DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THE COVER OF THIS BOOK. Thanks, you may continue ;)


Dear Kerri,

        I just want you to know that I never lied. I promised I'd be there for you, through thick and thin, no matter what, always. And I was. I was there when you needed me and I kept your secret. I never told anyone. But after a while you hit a point where you needed more help than I could give. When I wasn't enough. I know you didn't see it but I could, and I made a promise. So even though it hurt, even though I knew you'd hate me for it, that you'd probably never forgive me- I told. And I am so sorry.

        I hope someday you can see why I did it and you'll forgive me, but I couldn't watch you self destruct. I couldn't stand by and watch as I lost you. I love you, forever and always. I'm so sorry this has hurt you, I really am but like I said I made a promise and by now you should know that I never break my promises. Even if it hurts, even though it means I lost you. This won't be my last letter, I can't lose you- not completely.

        I can only hope that you'll read them and that someday, maybe, if I'm lucky: you'll write back.



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