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"Where do you belong?"

Naruto gently placed a small piece of pork in his rice bowl.

"I bet Shikamaru with his attitude, he'll definitely lose the round," Ino rolled her eyes.

Shikamaru shrugged. "I mean-"

"Don't you dare just give up without trying though," Ino crossed her arms.

"Do your best, Shikamaru!" Choji smiled.

Kiba glanced at Naruto before letting out an unsatisfied scoff.

"Who are you?"

"So, Naruto, got .... up your ...."

".... guy .... scarily strong ...."

He was slowly spacing out again, blocking out their words as he felt a brush across his cheeks.

"No....What are you?"



"You're a demo-"

Naruto slammed his hands against the table, inhaling sharply as the others jumped. "I...."


"I HAVE TO TAKE A PISS! JUST A SECOND!" Yelling, he ran out of the restaurant with an exaggerated cry.

"Really, he's still so loud and annoying..." Ino deadpanned. "Even if he wants to go to the toilet, he could at least leave quietly instead of slamming the table!"

"That's true..." Sakura sweatdropped.

"Seriously, why are you even going so far for Naruto? I understand Sasuke-kun's case but Naruto..." Ino crossed her arms.

"I don't really know...." Sakura frowned.

"I just felt the need to....help him."

Running into an alleyway, he squat down in front of a broken mirror in front of him before letting his hands that were covering his face fall, staring at his reflection.

He was.....smiling.

His smile wilted into a frown as he clutched his hair tight, groaning. "Agh....I hate this, I hate this, I hate this!!"

Tears dripped down from his eyes as he calmed his breathing. "What....in hell is happening to me...?"


He glanced up at the mirror, tensing as he saw himself grinning.

"I'm happening."

He let out a frightened gasp as his reflection's smile faded into a frown.

His body slid down against the wall as he breathed heavily, hands rubbing his eyes.

"I swear... I'm about to lose my sanity."

Standing up shakily with a small stumble, he leaned against the wall for support before walking back to the restaurant, trying his best to forget about the 'mirror incident'.

Why can't he just have a normal life?

"Who are you?"

The glass underneath his feet slowly began to break as he continued to walk towards the voice.

The splashing noises loudened and loudened and loudened and loudened and loudened-

Oh....that's right.

He's Naruto Uzumaki, the demon brat of Konoha.


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