Chapter 15 - In memory of...

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"Shit, I think I'm lost."

It was already afternoon when I found the main road, and to be honest, I have no idea where I am or which way Trosta is.

I've never been in this part of Washington State before.

"Ah crap, I'm done."

I sat on the road and stared at the blue sky. I can see a few birds flying around wherever they please.

Wings... I once wished for a pair of those from Santa when I was a kid.

I couldn't help but chuckle after remembering such memories. Suddenly, I heard somebody's footsteps behind me.

I reached for my knife, but it's too late. There's already something pressed against the back of my head.

You've got to be kidding me...

"Put your weapon down, and don't you even try looking back." a man's voice said.

I dropped my knife and slowly stood up.

"Hands!" he instructed, to which I responded by raising both my hands in the air.

I need to wait until he gets closer so I can snap his neck or something.

"Good, now turn around with no unnecessary movements."

I followed his instructions and was preparing to launch a kick, but what I saw made me stood in place.

An animal mask. It was a deer.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" he asked, lowering his gun a bit.

Is he from Trosta? I recognize the wooden deer mask. It's from someone I've seen before.

"I know you don't trust me, but there's an infected walking towards you." I said, which made him look away.

Seriously? What an idiot.

I quickly grabbed the gun from his hand but his grip is too tight.

I saw him reaching for his pocket so I quickly pulled him towards me and pushed him to the ground.

"Let go of the gun and no one gets hurt!" I said, but he's not cooperating.


With my thumb, I pressed hard on the middle part of the bone on his wrist, and as expected, he was wincing in pain, which caused him to lose his grip and drop the gun instantly.

"You prick!" he yelled.

He tried to stand up, but failed miserably after I launched a kick aimed for his stomach. I then grabbed the gun that fell to the ground and pointed it at him.

"It looks like the tables have turned." I smirked.

He lifted his deer mask for some reason.

Brown skin tone, paired with beard cut and amessy hair. I don't recognize him.

But base from his voice, I'm sure he's the guy wearing the small horned deer mask from before. Steve's mentee, Eric.

"The hell did you do to my hand?!" he complained as he inspected his wrist.

"Hello Eric," I greeted.

He looked up at me, and a puzzled look came across his face.

"H-how did you..."

He stared at me for a couple of seconds before realizing it.

"Wait, those pair of eyes-Cyra?"

I released a sigh of relief after hearing what he said.

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