Pynch - Dream Boy

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Hey everyone! I've had this song stuck in my head for like 3 days! It always reminded me of Adam and Ronan, so here you all go! Here's the link to the song if you'd like! you don't have to listen to it, but it might make this a bit more clear! I always like knowing the melody when I read about songs! Anyway, hope you had a lovely day!

Internally, I know that just staring at my laptop won't make my essay write itself, but it's just so hard to concentrate. Usually, I can force myself to be productive, but apparently, today is not one of those days, and it doesn't help that this is unrelentingly dull. Mrs. Lendonson doesn't seem to understand that we don't all find "the introduction of modern household appliances and how it shaped history" to be a worthy topic to dedicate our afternoons to. But oh well, she apparently has good connections, according to Gansey at least, and once I finish her class, I can start on the more interesting subjects. It's a real pain in the ass at the moment though. I sigh, standing up and walking around the coffee table before plopping back down on the couch. I run my hands over my face and shake my head, trying to jostle my brain into action. I flip through my notes looking for something that would work for a topic sentence. Nothing jumps out at me, and my gaze wanders to look out through the window, it's hot out and the heat combined with the quiet atmosphere makes me want to just sit and think or read or do literally anything other than my homework. If the others were here, I could use them as an excuse, talking myself into believing that it was ok if I wasn't doing my homework because I was being social! And plus they'd be a lot more fun than the essay. But Gansey, Noah, and Henry went out to pick up Blue and go on some kind of adventure. I didn't really catch the details. I stayed home though because I had to do my homework, and surprisingly, Ronan stayed too. Gansey and Henry teased us mercilessly until they left, giving Ronan the nickname homework and saying that they'd text before they got home and give us time to tidy up. I blushed beet red, I know I did, and Ronan just rolled his eyes. But I actually haven't seen him all day. He's off sleeping somewhere probably. And a good thing too, he needs it. It's odd though, to hear Monmouth Manufacturing this quiet. But ugh, why does my brain keep wandering off! I have to get this done!!! 

It had been a full half-hour of slow, painful essay writing before Adam was interrupted. He had finally forced his head into a working mode, so he didn't immediately look up when he heard Ronan walking around in the hallway. And he was so deeply buried in his notes that he didn't start paying attention to his surroundings until he heard a light beat. He wasn't surprised about the presence of the music so much as the genre. Ronan didn't usually play things that weren't bouzouki music or heavy-bass-screamy-lyric-songs that didn't make sense to Adam. But he didn't have much time to ponder it because, after a short intro, Ronan jumped into the doorway. 

Adam couldn't quite process it at first, Ronan had on his usual black t-shirt and black jeans, but he was also wearing a sequined gold jacket and matching star-shaped sunglasses. He was striking a pose with one hand on his hip and the other pointing directly at Adam, his hips were quirked to one side, and he was grinning wickedly. A beat after he appeared the lyrics started, and he began dramatically lip sinking along with the song. All Adam could do was laugh. 

In typical Ronan fashion, he had gone all out and planned out a full performance. It was somewhere between dancing and overdramatic acting, and Adam couldn't stop laughing because Ronan had clearly practiced this, and the image of a full music video styled Ronan was so impossible, but here he was.  

Am I the boy you dreamed of?   He bounced to the beat, still pointing at Adam and grinning as Adam laughed.
living in your subconscious, oh   He jumped, turning to the other side and pointing his other arm at Adam still bouncing one knee to the beat.
Do you believe in love?  He clutched his hands over his chest and shimmied his shoulders slightly on the last word. 
And is it because of me? Yeah' if it's up to me  Ronan came into the room in what could only be described as a model strut, putting his hands up and slowly bringing them down, doing jazz hands in front of his face. 
Am I the boy you dreamed of?
Oh, living in your subconscious, oh   He repeated the beginning part of the routine again as Adam began to move slightly with the music as well, still just smiling slightly unbelievingly at Ronan. 
Do you believe in love? Oh,    Ronan jumped so that he was facing away from Adam and then looked back at him, pulling down his sunglasses and winking at him before blowing him a kiss. 
And is it because of me? 
Yeah' if it's up to me  He model walked back to the doorway
Say it all   Ronan ended his show with a little twirl before sliding back out of view. 

Adam was laughing again as he applauded, and Ronan turned down the music still playing from the hallway. He didn't turn it all the way off, just down a bit so that they could talk. He strode back into the room pausing midway to the couch to bow which caused his sunglasses to fall off his face, he swiped them up and put them back on top of his head. He had on the most self-satisfied smirk that Adam had ever seen. He walked over and moved Adam's homework to the table, flopping down on the couch beside him. 

"Sorry if I interrupted your homework Parrish, but you just looked so miserable." 

Adam chuckled, "There's no need to apologize, that just improved my day exponentially," he said, looking sideways at Ronan "I had no idea you could be such a dork!" 

"Well, I gotta keep my reputation somehow! I keep this part locked away very deep where Blue can never find it, she'd lose all respect for me if she ever knew! I'd be ruined!" 

"Your secret's safe with me! But you're a really good dancer! I'm honestly impressed," Adam was only half joking, and he knew Ronan could hear it in his voice. 

"You think so, Sweetheart?" Adam shivered slightly at the nickname, Ronan never talked like this around the others, and Adam didn't think anyone had ever called him sweetheart before. He looked away and could feel himself going red. Ronan leaned forward, brushing his cheek gently with the tip of his finger. When he spoke again his voice had gone quiet and soft, softer than Adam had ever heard it. 

"Hey, was that ok? I didn't mean to upset you, I was just experimenting, I won't call you that again if you don't like it..." Adam flashed back briefly to Gansey saying to be careful and not to hurt Ronan, he had known that Ronan's trust was a big deal, but seeing this vulnerability from the usually tough boy reminded him of just how deeply Ronan loved. And he had liked the nickname, more than he would have thought, it had just surprised him. Ronan was full of surprises today. Adam cut him off before he could overthink things too much. 

"No not at all, I just... I... you..." He couldn't find quite the right words to reassure Ronan so he took a slow breath and tried again, "It was just new, and nobody's ever called me that before, it surprised me. But I like it." 

"Good," Ronan paused, drawing out the moment, "Sweetheart." He said it slowly, and Adam melted, blushing bright red again, but this time trying to hide a smile as he did so. Ronan chuckled slightly and shifted to face him pulling him into a kiss. They kissed slowly and sweetly, lips moving gently, and both of them could feel the traces of the other's smile in the kiss. They held each other close in a way that said 'safe' and 'home'. When they pulled away, Adam was starting to regain some of his ability to function, and he decided to play at Ronan's game a little. 

"So..." He drew out the syllable, trying to mimic Ronan's smirk and tone from earlier. "Turns out you're not just good at dancing," he said, before leaning in close and whispering in Ronan's ear, "are you, Love?" Ronan fumbled for a retort, but Adam didn't need a response, he leaned in, pressing kisses to Ronan's jaw, working his way back to his lips. This time when they kissed, things were more heated. Adam pulled Ronan closer by wrapping his arms around his waist, and Ronan reached up to bury his hands in Adam's hair. They kissed for a while before Adam pulled away slightly to catch his breath and grin at Ronan, he was proud to have given him a bit of his own medicine. 

"Fuck you, Adam," Ronan said in response to Adam's grin. 

"Oh, hush, you love me," Adam said jokingly, it was his typical response to Ronan's profanity, but today Ronan didn't respond with his usual joking rebuttal. 

"Yeah, I do." He said, completely serious, and then again to solidify it, "I love you, Adam." He was looking Adam directly in the eyes. And it took Adam a while to respond, not because he was shocked, but because he was too busy looking at Ronan. Ronan was looking up at him with the same fire he always had in his eyes, he never lied, and he had just said that he loved him, and he had called him Adam! Not Parrish, that was new. Adam's lips quirked up into a smile that was pure happiness, as he said it back. 

"I love you too. I love you, Ronan," they looked at each other for a moment more before the mood shifted, becoming playful again. "I love you almost as much as I love your dancing!" added Adam, and Ronan grinned, glad that they had had a moment, but equally glad to move on from it. He rolled his eyes, "Just shut up and kiss me, Parrish!" 

So Adam did. 

Alrighty, 1 done! Hope you all liked it! If you made it this far then thank you so much for reading!!! 

May your hearts keep beating! Love Lizzy!

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