37. Tell Me Something I Don't Know Pt 1

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"Diane, you're eating all the pizza!" Jaejin said, mildly annoyed as he grabbed another slice from the box which was depleting rather quickly.

"And?" She sassed, mouth full of pizza and picking up her filled cup to wash down the bite she just took.

"We'll just order another one nah, calm down both of you." Binjo pacified as he walked back into the living room from the guest toilet on the same floor.

"I don't want to order another one, we agreed to share these two boxes of pizza equally. Eight slices times two equals sixteen, divide that by four and you get four slices per person. That's Diane's fifth!" Jaejin argued, pointing an accusatory finger at the slice of pizza in Diane's right hand while she stared at him angrily.

"Why are you keeping count of what I'm eating? Can't I eat again? Is it out of your share I ate?" Diane argued back, getting agitated.

Her period had come that morning and she felt riled up by every little thing. She had barked at Binjo for whispering 'Good morning' in her right ear when she woke up because she had just discovered that her period had started, and she had stained his bedsheet. To cover up her embarrassment, she had screamed at him, snatched off the sheets and ran next door to Binye and Jaejin's room.

She had screamed at Jaejin to get out of the room so she could talk to Binye, confusing the just awaken boy and that was probably why he was still slightly pissed with her, he was kind of petty.

Unfortunately, Binye hadn't come over with any pads since she had finished her period a week ago, she had felt confused and her anger heightened.

While Binye had rushed to brush her teeth and get ready to head out and run down to the nearby supermarket to buy her some, a series of knocks rapped at the door.

It had been Binjo holding unto a medium sized white nylon bag and he stretched it out to Diane while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I didn't know the type you use, so I um, got you like five different kinds I could find in the store." He said shyly before dropping the bag on the bed and walking out quickly.

"Problem solved then!" Binye cheered happily as she opened the nylon bag, only to marvel at the five different brands of pads that Binjo had bought for Diane. Some were short, some were the longer types, wingless and winged, heavy flow and lighter flow included.

"He's so thoughtful." Diane mumbled, tears gathering in her eyes from her raging emotions as she cuddled the pads to her chest and wailed like a weirdo.

"Oya go and put one on before you start leaking all over the floor." Binye joked earning her a pad package being flung at her face.

"I'm sorry I screamed at you. I was just embarrassed." Diane mumbled while she wrapped her arms around Binjo's waist from behind while he searched for something in his bedside cabinet.

"It's okay babe. There's no need to feel embarrassed about it. I don't find it nasty that you menstruate." He responds, turning and hugging her back tenderly.

"Ew don't say menstruate, it sounds weird." She laughed on his shoulder and he chuckled.

"Thank you for the pads. That was really thoughtful of you, and perfect timing to be honest. I was already panicking to Binye." She says gratefully and cuddling further into his chest and he blushes shyly.

"Ah yeah! These are for you. Does it hurt? I know you usually have painful cramps. I also asked the cook to make you some hot tea." He says handing her a sheet of painkillers while rubbing her waist gently.

Silent tears begin to run down Diane's face at this point and her lips tremble.

"Why are you crying? D-does it hurt that badly?" Binjo panics and Diane flings herself on her boyfriend's slim but fit figure and he holds her securely.

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