33. Me & Bae

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"Bee, I'm worried about my relationship with Binjo." Diane lets out after much thought. The two girls had been at a pizza store waiting for their order to be prepared while the boys were upstairs ordering some ice cream.

The plan had been to stuff themselves silly with junk food and then go in to see the movie.

"Why? What happened?" Binye asks looking up from her phone to her taller best friend's face.

Diane sighed. She really hoped that she wasn't making this out to be a bigger deal than it really was. Her two ex-boyfriends were also extroverts so she had found it relatively easy to understand their behaviours because they mirrored hers.

Binjo was the first introverted person she had ever had feelings for, and dated. His preference for staying at home to watch an anime or watch videos on hacking often annoyed her because she on the other hand wanted to go out to parties and have fun. That wasn't his scene, and she understood that perfectly, but she still wanted him by her side sometimes.

The girl had tried to sit down and watch anime with him but couldn't bear more than thirty minutes of it. She had tried to watch him while he practiced hacking but all she saw were numbers and letters dancing on the screen of his laptop.

Couldn't he understand that she wasn't into this stuff?

"I don't think we actually have anything in common." Diane admits to Binye almost fearfully. They had been dating for six weeks now, giving her enough time to explore different options of what they liked, and she had come to realise a scary truth, they didn't have a single common interest.

They were so different from each other, and she had found herself comparing her relationship to Binye's seemingly perfect one.

Binye and Jaejin both enjoyed photography. Jaejin was a painter, and even though Binye wasn't really into painting or appreciating that form of art, she had offered to be his muse sometimes, and as far as Diane was concerned, that was another common interest. Binye liked to write and read which Jaejin wasn't too fond of but had found a way to share it with her, by writing cute notes for her to read.

Even in their differences they still made allowances for the other person.

Binjo just came along with her to some parties because she begged, and when they got there all he'd do is sit in a corner with a drink and not socialise, essentially leaving her alone to do her thing.

She on the other hand just stared at the screen absentmindedly when he watched anime, and pretended to try and enjoy it. When he spoke about coding and hacking, all she saw was mouth moving but none of his words got into her brain.

She liked to talk, a lot, and Binjo would always listen and listen and barely say anything back unless she asked him to. It frustrated her, she didn't enjoy feeling like she was burdened with carrying every conversation between them on her back.

It wasn't a secret that he was a quiet person when she had met him, and even so, she had fallen for him that way, so why did it piss her off so much these days?

Jaejin always called Binye on the phone and they would talk for hours. She had seen them before and jealously wondered why Binjo preferred to text over calling. It had become and issue once and she ranted to him about it, and he dutifully called her every night to talk before she would go to bed but it stopped after a few days, it just wasn't his thing and he often ran out of things to say because he just wasn't used to talking for so long.

Binjo tried his best, he really did. But he was starting to feel anxious these days. It seemed like every week his girlfriend would have an issue with him. It was either she wanted him to call more than he texted which wasn't really his style, but he tried just to make her happy, or she wanted him to accompany her to parties, and it pained him that she knew how uncomfortable he felt within large crowds and noisy spaces like parties but she didn't care, she just wanted him there with her.

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