F L O O D | M E | B L A M E S

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What if.
Two simple yet complicated words
Racing inside the the grounds of her mind
Each day with numerous questions.
What if,
She gives out her only heart and he returns it in a million pieces?
What if,
She looses interest as she always does?
She may be easy to find, but she's definitely hard to keep.
What's hard to earn is her rare love
What's hard is to comprehend her weirdness but she knows for sure. He understands her as equally as she does with him.
But what if,
He looses and can't no more?
Come to think of this is the same lass who who feared lads.
She still does.
But what if,
She be the one to shatter his heart
As she always does with other's?
Though he doesn't deserve it.
She has kept everything to herself, but
Never has she ever been good at keeping anyone.
They all walk away the same way they all came.
They all walk back the same pace they came in.

Portraits of her heart Where stories live. Discover now