The New Rouges

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10am, Rose's apartment

"Yeah, okay. Alright, I'll be there soon I gotta go." I told Joe before hanging up as Frankie walked out of her room.

"Hey, there's breakfast on the counter. I got you set up in the school a few blocks over, you start monday next week so when we go get stuff to decorate your room we can pick up school supplies." I said as I stood up.

"Oh, you made food for me?"

"Uh yeah, there's also some coffee in the coffee pot over there but I wasn't sure if you liked coffee so I didn't make you a cup."

"Oh uh thank you."

"Yeah, um I have a few things to do today. I have to go to S.T.A.R Labs and help out there and I have a few errands to run so you can come with me or just stay here."

"I'll come with, I don't really like being alone."

"Okay uh, that closet there has some more clothes if you wanna look through those and we can get you some of your own this weekend."

"Okay, thank you."

"Yeah, I'm gonna hop in the shower and you eat and get ready to go and then we can head to S.T.A.R Labs."

"Okay. Who's this?" She asked, picking up a picture of me and Leo.

"That's um that's um my boyfriend, he's also the father of my baby."

"Oh, where is he?" She asked, tensing slightly.

"Oh no no no no. He's not the boyfriend I told you about at S.T.A.R Labs. He's actually the one who got me out of that. But um you won't be able to meet him I really wish you could he was amazing but um he uh he died a few weeks ago."

"Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. I'm gonna go get in that shower I'll be out in a little bit and then we can head to S.T.A.R Labs."

S.T.A.R Labs, cortex

"Hey guys, Frankie didn't want to be at my apartment alone so she's in your lab Cisco. What's up?" I asked as I walked into the cortex.

"What's up? What's up with you? You have the weirdest mixture of happy and stressed I have ever seen." Cisco said and I rolled my eyes.

"That is called parenting, Cisco." Joe said and I laughed.

"Yeah, anyways. What's going on?" I asked and Joe sighed before nodding at Cisco who pulled up a video on the TV.

The footage showed Edward Clariss being thrown around his cell by seemingly nothing until he was killed from the impact.

"This is from a security camera inside iron heights." Joe said, pointing at the TV.

"Forensic analysis indicates that the footage is genuine, no evidence of tampering." Barry said as I crossed my arms.

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