Prologue pt 1

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"𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹 𝓻𝓾𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰... 𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝓼𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓭. 𝓐𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓼 𝓘 𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮, 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓯𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽!"

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢

I jump from building to building with only thin air beneath my arms and do a skill roll once I reach the other side, my back burning from the impact. I checked to see if that yellow bag was still on my hip. I felt the hardcover of the bag. I sigh with relief as I hear the sound of sirens and police cars zooming in my direction.
"Do not run! If you proceed to run, we will open fire." I hear a megaphone call. I suck my teeth and keep running. They were going to open fire either way. I see a red laser and quickly take cover.
"Oh, so we're using snipers now!?"
The sound of gunshots seemed to roar my name. I skill roll towards the stairs of the building leading to a balcony and jump down each flight of stairs.
"She's getting away!"
The flashing lights of sirens flickered on and off as I jumped through a car window into the backseat of my partner's car.
"You have the bag?"
I hold it up to Enid.
"Yup. Let's go." I demand.
She steps on the gas and the car jolts forward like a scared cat running away from the world behind it. Gunshots start to fire at us. The sound of metal being destroyed and the scraping of bullets against the car fills my ears like forks and knives against a chalkboard.
"Can you drive any faster!?"
"We're already speeding!"
"The police are already on our tail! Move faster!"
I hear the roar of the gas like a lion in the wild. The car's rubber wheels drift across the street, creating an ear splitting shreek!
An idea pops into my head last minute.
"Crash the car."
"Did I stutter!? Crash the car!" I repeat.
"This isn't even my car! I don't want to-"
"The factory! Hit the factory!"
A power plant stood right in front of us, the key to escaping from this. I hop into the passenger seat, then take a brick from the glove compartment and put it on the gas. We start to zoom forward.
"JUMP OUT THE CAR!" I scream.
I jump onto Enid's lap, then kick the door open and pull her out the car as we roll onto the pavement. I help her up and run away quickly, the car going full speed towards the power plant. I take cover behind a building with her behind me and hold her close. I hear the car crash and fire immediately arises from the building, the light of the flames fills my vision. Hellfire.
"Come on!" She exclaimed, pulling me by the collar.
She drags me behind her, running away from the fire.
"He should be around this corner!" Enid exclaimed.
"Right... we're... we're almost there!-"
I look behind us and dust, debris, and chunks of the building start to flourish from the power plant.
It seems as if a side of the world had been splitting in half. Is this how it felt when the titanic sank and ripped apart? It feels as if time freezes for a moment. Is this the end of me...? Is this the last thing I'll see? A falling building about to crash on me... which is my fault... I feel Enid grasp my shoulder.
Time is set back in motion as we run away from the falling buildings. Enid tossed a cube on the floor, and it transformed into a hoverboard. She pulled me close, stepping onto it. We then jolted forward, just barely dodging a boulder. We go up into the air and there's nothing but the glowing night sky, with debri and fire underneath us. I sigh and lean on Enid's shoulder.
"We made it..."
"By the skin of our goddamn necks! You could've killed yourself out there!" She complained.
"Well... some things are worth dying for..." I chuckle.
A light shade of pink spreads across her freckles as she looks at me.
"Sh...Shut up!" She stammered.
We stop at a window and I tap on the glass, kneeling down. The window opens. A man with a suit and tie with slicked back hair stood at the window.
I hand Enid the bag and she gives it to him.
"Well done. You may leave now." He says with a scowl, checking the bag.
He grins at the sight. Enid's nose flares as her eyebrows gently scrunch up. I know that look from anywhere.
"Uhh... sir, where is our pay?" Enid asked in a professional tone.
"Hmm? Oh, you thought you were getting paid? I could have given you away to the cops for even more of a bounty prize. But I'm not... aren't I?"
My eyes widened as I looked up at Enid.
"Wh... What do you mean?"
"Maybe you should run along before I turn you in. Alright, babe?" He said, then closed the window in our face. It smacked shut as Enid's eyes began to water.
"It's okay, Enid... just breathe. Let's go home." I said, putting a hand on her shoulder.
She nods, and we float calmly and silently with the hoverboard beneath our feet.
We make it home. An abandoned apartment in a dusty and disgusting building. We have the place to ourselves since the owner died. We put several locks on the doors, and booby traps so we'd know if someone were to come in. It's a tight space to live in, but we make it work. I hear Enid Sigh with frustration. I looked at her and her eyes sparkled with tears.
"E... Enid?" I ask hesitantly.
Her hands turned into fists that ignited flames of fury.
"Enid, please calm down? It wasn't that bad this time! They didn't even call the cops on us! Just..."
"Just what? We're both failures. We're gonna fucking die here and it's because of those people, those same citizens in power. The rich who get richer! What was I thinking!?"
"Enid. We need to hold onto hope. It's all that we have for now. We just need to be patient. Patient for change. Alright?" I stood up and wiped away her tears. She sighed and put her head on my shoulder.
"Okay, Jasper... I trust you."

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