Chapter one

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𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓...

"𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭!?"


I feel the wind beneath my feet as if they are wings and I jump off another building and kneel, my enemy ahead of me. Black figures show up ahead of me, three of them. I pause with each of them staring at me.
"If you don't want to get hurt, I recommend you stand aside." I snarled.
One of them takes a step, then jolts themselves onto me, throwing a flying punch towards me. I duck, catching a glimpse of the second figure who was aiming a gun to my head. I grab the first one's waist and pull them in front of me. They shoot their crew mate instead, and the third one is ready to fight with a ball and chain in hand. I drop the dead one, then go for the second one, tackling them and taking the gun from them. I shoot both of them as they collapse onto the floor, sweat oozing from my forehead. The setting melts away, only white being in sight and the tiles that followed. Enid in all white takes out a clipboard and starts writing some things down.
"You're getting faster by the day. Today, your parkour took you only three minutes. Your combat only took you 55 seconds. In an actual battle field, though, you don't have time for all of that heroic speech shit. You might not want to talk so much." She says, putting her hands on her hips.
"Enid, lighten up a little! I know what to do already!" I say, poking her nose.
Her nose scrunches up and she wipes it.
"Ugh! Whatever! You're such an idiot, Jasper!" She pushes me back.
I topple backwards.
"Oh ho ho! Do you really want to do this, sass-o-frass?" I tease her.
She drops her clipboard and puts me in a bear hug. I spin her around, giggling, trying to be gentle on her.
"Enid! Get off of me!"
We both hear a woman say. Her voice was proper with a hint of a nagging tone. We both glance at her and straighten ourselves out.
"Enid, what did I tell you about interacting with the bodyguards?" She asked in an annoyed tone.
"U-Uhm... but we were just playing, miss! I wasn't-"
"Take your clipboard and leave. I need a word with the bodyguard." She ordered.
"Yes ma'am."
Enid solemnly and slowly picks up her clipboard, then looks at me with a smile and a wave. I wave back, returning her soft and friendly energy, and she finally leaves to take care of the next bodyguard.
"At ease."
I put my hands behind my back with my chin up and feet apart.
"Jasper. You will be guarding one of the richest men in the country. Atlas Agreste. He's holding a performance with one of his most professional dancers. You will be guarding them. Don't embarrass us, or there will be massive consequences."
"Understood, ma'am." I answer her quickly, my stance firm but ready to submit.
"Good. Get ready in the locker room. You'll be picked up in thirty minutes." She informs me, then walks away.
I sigh exhaustively and go into the girls locker room. I sit on the bench and take off my shirt, the bandages wrapped around my chest are revealed. They look quite dirty. I cut them, then pull them off fast and easy. I then wrapped some fresh bandages around my chest, and put on my clothes, which was a black jumpsuit. I look into a mirror and my hair seems to be growing out. I walk over to my locker and take out some scissors and a razor. I buzz off the sides of my head and clean up the hair after. Running my fingers through my freshly cut hair, I sigh again and sit down on a bench. I realize just how much I hate my body. From my plump chest, to my defined curves, and feminine face. It's only a matter of time before I get the body that I want. At least my arms are bigger. I open my locker again, putting on my fingerless gloves. They're better for boxing. I then grab my prescription meds and swallow two. The door bursts open and the girls come in as chatty as birds in the morning. One of the squeals.
"A guy is in here! What the fuck are you doing here!? Are you stealing panties or something?"
"No. It's Jasper, ya jerk wad." I muttered, putting back my pills and closing my locker back up.
"Oh, it's just the tranny."
"Now we can't even change because she'll get horny off of us." They tease.
"Well, if you must be reassured, I was just leaving. I'm guarding Atlas Agreste-"
"Atlas Agreste!? Why would Natalie assign you to such a job!?"
"Maybe because she's dispensable and nobody will notice when she's gone."
"It's he" I correct them.
"It's She as long as you still use the women's bathroom and locker room, you fuckin' faggot!"
I glare at the woman who had such disgusting words come out of her mouth.
Melissa Bailey.
She's one of the best, but talks the most shit. This whole facility humps her leg when without her rich father and her thousands of sugar daddies, she's nothing.
"Those are fightin' words, 'lissa." I say through my teeth.
"Wanna bet?" She says with hate in her eyes.
I roll up my sleeves and turn to her as she steps towards me.
"Bring it, bitch."
She lets out a maniacal laugh and lunges herself towards me. She swings a flying punch towards me, but I duck, catching her fist, and pin her to the wall with her arm behind her back.
"Looks like daddy isn't here to save you, huh?" I say into her ear.
She growls like a beast has been awakened inside her. It seems as if Flames emerge from her eyes as she stomps on my foot and rams her elbow into my stomach. I grunt in pain, holding back the tears that burn my eyes. She then grabs the back of my head.
"Daddy never abandoned me as an infant, though." She says through her teeth.
She lunges my head down, and lifts her knee. The center of my forehead burns from the impact, the tears slightly seeping from my eyelids. I fall back on the floor, spitting some blood on the floor. She stepped towards me as it seemed Satan's wife was standing before me. She grabbed me by the collar.
"Get on your fucking knees!" She barked the humiliating order.
I heard other girls start to giggle and mutter.
"I won't take orders from the likes of you." I muttered under my breath.
She kicks me in the stomach as I squeal in pain, my insides burning.
"I said get on your fucking knees." She repeated.
I let my thighs rest on my calfs, my arms resting in between my legs. She runs her fingers through my short tuft of hair, a sense of comfort rising in me before experiencing utter pain from her grabbing a fist full of my tuft and pulling me forward. A whimper slips out of my mouth, trying to 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕪 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕖𝕥.
"Pathetic little girl. You were left on the side of the road for a reason." Melissa spat.
"I'm not a girl..." I muttered.
"Oh? Then let's see what's beneath that shirt of yours, hmm?" She teased, lifting the bottom of my shirt with her middle finger.
I turn red with embarrassment and slap her hand, pulling my shirt down.
"No! That's-... you... pervert!" I struggle to say.
"As I thought. You're a girl." She repeated.
"Nothing more and nothing less, you waste of space." She adds as I look down in guilt.
She pulls my hair and makes me face her.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you, you little prick!" She orders as the murmurs and rumors begin to spread.
"Fuck you.." I whisper as I look to the side.
"Speak up! I couldn't hear you, bitch." She teases.
"Well, if you must know." I say, growing tired of her shit.
I kneel and stand up, then wrap my arm around the one holding my hair. I press on a pressure point and her arm goes limp.
I grab her other arm and begin to throw her across the room. Her body flung over to a wall, her back hitting it as she grunted in pain.
I then let the words run free.
"FUCK YOU!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, and the most peculiar sight.
A wave, a sound wave, but I saw it in front of my face.
Slow at first, then it spread widely at a speed like light. Windows burst, mugs exploded, glasses destroyed. I looked around as dust formed and swirled around the room. I look at Melissa.
Time stops.
She's crying.
She's bleeding.
She's afraid.
And a strange burst of joy erupts from the inside out.
The door swings open.
"Is everyone alright!?"
"What happened?"
"Who is injured!?"
A flood of nurses enter the room, and I see Enid's face. She's like an Angel in the dark, her white coat brighter than any other's. She runs up to me and puts my arm around her shoulders.
"Jasper!? What-"
"I'll explain later. Come on..." I say, letting her lead me to a check up room.
Blood pours from Melissa's ears as she screams about how she can't hear.
Enid begins to fix me up with bandages and healing creams of many. Her touch is motherly and soft, almost like a bear taking care of her Cubs. She rubs my head to see that my scalp is red and irritated. I flinch at first as she places cream on my scalp, but the cool sensation rests with me as I grow a sense of comfort.
"Who did this to you? This damage couldn't have come from a sound...!" She asked me, putting ice on my bruises.
"It was... Melissa... she was bullying me for being trans again.." I confessed.
Enid lifted my chin with her soft and delicate fingers as she made me look into her eyes.
"I'll report her to Natalie, alright? This isn't the first time she's been beating on one of the guards. She thinks she's better than everyone, but she has much work to accomplish before calling herself a pro." She began to rant, cleaning my wounds.
I sigh with relief as a smile spreads across my face, and I lean into Enid's soft but strong hands.
"Aww... Jasper~" she cooed as she pulled me into a hug.
I looked up at her as she stood above me, the mother bear that she was. A light shade of pink spread across her freckles as her eyes darted away. She then looked back at me and her face immediately turned back to the light brown tone she was.
"Jasper... your face...! It's healing!" She said in awe.
She brought a mirror to my face and lifted my hair off of my face. The bruise on my forehead began to go down quite fast. The cuts on my cheeks began to close. The black eye that I had gained is now gone.
"Jasper, what caused that noise? The one that almost destroyed the building?" Enid asked.
I can't lie to her! She's my best friend...! But she might freak out and never talk to me again... But she has to know! She should know about this kind of stuff! She could help me! But then again, it might cost our friendship.
"Uhm... I-I don't know..." I lied.
She nodded as she cleaned my face off with a sigh.
"Me and the staff will figure it out. But for now, you need to get cleaned. Especially because you've got a mission in a few." She said, holding my chin.
The warmth I feel when I'm with her.. the peaceful sensation of her fingertips that travel from my head to my toes. Her hand lets go of my chin as she walks off to go take care of the other victims.
God, is she a dynamite gal..

She's a damsel, but is she in distress?Where stories live. Discover now